✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝 : Tessa

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"She is Tessa.She is my ex." Anne said.

"Tessa..huh." Now,you are allowed to call me a bitch,but that chick Tessa was looking hot as fuck.Her curls of a breathtaking blonde,those messy curls as if she did it with someone until their last breath.Her eyes,surrounded by black eyeliner as if she had cried.Maybe she did.And some kissable plump as fuck rosey lips.No wonder why she was Anne's ex-girlfriend.My baby has a good taste in girls. 

"Uh,hello there ?" Anne gave me a wave.

"Uh-oh..what?" I found myself staring at Tessa.

"You still staring at her.You know,you can break the hell out of my heart and go make her yours if..." 

"My apology.I just..she is very good looking." I said looking down.

"I know.She was one of my most serious relationships."

"I see..But how comes you never talked about her?" I asked.

"I don't like to talk about my exes..especially when I am with someone new.I feel that,when you met someone,exes should be in the past.Cuz past is past." She replied.

"Got it..but I want to know about her.Can you-?"

"Well,if you want.."

"Go on !" I said.

"I met her at a girls club two years ago.Yea,I know,clubbing.I hated that.But as a young lesbian,I have only had part of "fake" relationships or the classics one night stands where everything happens if you get too drunk or high and then put the blame on them.And about the fake relationships.I ended up being dumped by the phrase "but what would my parents think?"I have had part of so many "I love you"s,but when the things were getting serious,no one was there anymore to love me.So now,back to Tessa.I saw her crying her heart out in the lesbian bar.I was sitting the table next to her with some of my friends.She drank too much and needed to puke.So she asked me for the bathroom.Seeing her feeling sick,I did not want to leave her alone,so I went with her.My friends were telling me "SHE IS THE TARGET !" Hah..And so was it.After helping her with the...bath thing,she thanked me.But she was still dizzy,so I drove her home.And now you might imagine what happened.She came to the girls club because she got mad on her boyfriend who cheated on her.And as me,she had part only of fuckboys,so she decided to give a try to girls.And she found me."

"The gold at the end of the rainbow." I said starring into her eyes as she was telling the story.

"But,why you broke up?"

"Prepare yourself .She and her boyfrined had some serious shit with drugs.He was a dealer.And then she also became one.And she did not stop it.They still kept contact as "partners for the job".Moreover she lied to me and she kept this as a secret.Then,when I started noticing stuff,we started arguing.I broke up with her so she could be with her boyfriend.

"Oh Lord ! That is awful !" I said,caressing her back. 

Surprisingly,the girl had her dorm 2 rooms away from ours.So on our way to dinner,we saw her passing by.She even stopped us.Well,Anne.

"Hey ! Anne? Is that you ?" Tessa asked.

"Uh,hey ! Tessa? I haven't seen you before. What are you doing here?" Anne asked.She was acting normally.

"I came today.My family sent me here.Drug shit with my boyfriend.What about you? Oh,I also noticed your hair,you cut it short.It really suits you !" She replied.

"I think you know the reason why I am here.There is no need to tell you.And thank you for the hair." Anne said,rushing our steps.

"A-Anne..listen.I know you might still be angry on me,but I don't want you to be anymore.How many times I need to say sorry ?! Look,I just want us to be friends.I got the idea that us as a couple does not fit well.But I want us to be friends.Please.No bad intentions." Tessa begged.

"Well.." She gave me a look.

"Nice to meet you.I am Tessa." She introduced herself to me.

"Alex.Anne's girlfriend." I told her.

"Gosh ! You- ! Wow ! So glad to hear that Anne got a girlfriend ! But I was not expecting,a relationship in the Church !" Tessa seemed to be happy.Both of us could not tell if she was acting or she really changed.

"Yes ! Don't tell anyone ! Especially the nuns !" I said.

"Good ! No words from me !" She said.

We had dinner with her.It was so weird having dinner with my girlfriend and her ex.I felt like I was thirdwheeling.Tho I was not.She was.Fucking hell,I should not feel guilty.She should.

"Heeeello girls ! Oh,seeing you with someone new !" Sky surprised us as always.Gosh,she was like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb.

"Tessa, nice to meet you.I am Anne's ex,hahah !" She was all laughing.We tried to force a few smiles.

"G-gosh,nice to meet you too ! Call me Sky ! I am one of Alex's best friends here.We used to be roommates." Sky answered.

"Used to be roommates? So Alex and Anne are now roomates because you swapped places? How cute !" 

"Well..anyways.I feel so weird standing at a table with you girls hah don't get me wrong girls !" Sky laughed.

"What about me?" I said. "But again,don't get it wrong" I loved being sarcasticly with Tessa.

"Alex,sweetie" SHE CALLED ME SWEETIE I AM DEAD HAH. "please,do not feel wrong,I should be the one.I am leaving if you my presence makes you feel uncomfortable !" Tessa seemed to be hurt a little.

"Don't." Anne said.

This dinner was really weird.

Going back to our dorm after the prayers and all that shit, I really felt the need to talk with Anne about this friendship we started with Tessa.

"Babe,I don't feel like this Tessa thing is going to end up good.I think this friendship we are having with her is going to be a toxic one.We don't need toxicity in our life !" I said,holding the girl in my arms.

"Don't ever feel uncomfortable ! Do you think that she might get between us ? She will NEVER ! I won't let this happen ! I love you,Alex ! Can't wait to get out of this prison and live with you the life we want !" She said squeezing my hand.

"Love you too,Anne!" I said kissing her forehead.

My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Where stories live. Discover now