✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘 : Partners? Partners !

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It was arround 8 in the morning when I heard someone whispering in my ear,begging me to wake up . 

"What do you want?" I said with a sleepy voice.I was tired from last night,because we came back to the dorms late...aaand I had an overthinking session for about an hour about what happened and about how funny this situation is.My parents sent me to this school,so I can get rid of my gay thoughts,but instead,I come home even gayer aand holding a girl's hand.I knew there is nothing to fix and get rid of,but some adults can't get that.

"Good morning too,Alex ! That's such a nice way to greet someone in the morning." Skyler said.

"Tell me what happened last night and why you came late !"

"If you would get off my stomach,maybe I would tell you all the spicy details !" I told her,smirking.

"Ohh,so there is something spicy huh?" The girl questioned,getting down my body.

"Yea..kinda..so..first I was out of my breath when I entered her room..."

"Why? Was her room messy ? Or did you find something you did not want to see?" Her eyes widened a bit.

"Much better.She just came from shower...And my eyes were blessed to see a wet body,covered in a towel !"

"OH.MY.GOSH ! ALEX,HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?!?!" Her eyes went a loot wider.

"I did not hahah ! For some good moments I forgot how to breathe and I was speechless..I was like a stone..I could not find my words..I don't think I even said hi.." I laughed.

"And what did she say ?"

"She laughed at me..because she did not expect a lesbian like me react like that !"

"Well..life is full of surprises !" Skyler said.

"Yes..But Goddamit of only you would have seen how attractive she looked with her wet cherry hair..and how every inch of her body was glowing." I paused. "So after this breath-taking situation,she went to change her clothes and she took me to her secret spot,somewhere in a cellar in this building,a room which the nuns do not know about.She said she goes there to relax..After a ciggarette and some good music,we...made out !"

"OH YAS ! HOLLY FUCK YEES ! But wait..how did that happen? or all of a sudden?" Skyler was shaking in happiness.

"Uh,no..sorry I forgot to tell..Um..she told me first that she got my letter..and how great she felt when she read it..then I told her about my dream..and while I was telling her about my dream,she moved closer and closer,until we were milimeters apart." I said.

"So now..are you together ?" Skyler smirked.

"I think we are" I answered.

"That's all I need to know ! Wish you to be happy ! Being a couple like this here will be so hard ! So I suggest you to do your best so you can get out of here and be happy wherever and whenever !"

"Thank you ! But,why struggle when we can simply run away ahaha!" I laughed.

"Run ?! I don't think you can !"

That was when someone knocked at the door and then seconds after entered the room.It was Nancy.

"Good morning,young girls ! Today we are doing a painting activity and it would be lovely to see maybe your hidden talent ! So,do your prayers,have breakfast and see you in the main hall in an hour !"

"Good ! Thank you,nun Nancy !" I said before she closed the door.

"Painting ? I suck at that !" Laughed Skyler.I laughed too.

So after breakfast,we went in the hall waiting for the nuns to guide us.

Anne has noticed me.

"Hello my pretty girl ! Are you ready to spread color?" The red haired girl smiled.

"Actually,I am excited about this ! It's been a while since I last spread some color." I replied.

"So !" Nancy clapped. "I need you to work in pairs of two ! One minute to choose your partner !"

Skyler and I made eye contact,so she left to pair with Kristine. 

"Partners?" I smirked to Anne.

"Partners !"

"Okay now,is everyone ready? Good ! Now please follow me in the arts room and take your seats."

Me and Anne took the most distant table from the teacher's desk.

"So,are you good at this?" I asked.

"I am not bad..but at the same time I am not good..it depends.How about you ?"

"I used to do pretty drawings when I was younger..I don't know about now..but it worth giving it a try again." I smiled.

"Uhum ! The theme for today's activity is goodness ! I know,it is just a word,no hints,use your creativity ! Good luck !" Nancy spoke.

"So what are we going to do now ?" I asked.

"I don't know..uh..it has to be something religious anyways.." Anne said.

"Ugh,so what are they expecting us to draw? A kid praying to a God ? Or a kid praying ? I want to do something I feel good about ! I can't draw in disgust !" 

"What if..we draw a girl...who is being blindfolded,and someone takes it from behind,off? It can have different meanings...we can tell the nuns that the person from behind the girl is God,which takes the scarf off the girl's eyes,which means something like "God is lighting our paths".." She paused.

"But for us,the person from behind can be the people who blindfold us,from being who we are" I continued.

"Exactly ! See? We found something !" She smiled.

So,I started sketching with the pen meanwhile Anne was preparing the colors.

"What do you think? Is it good?" I asked.

"Yes,goosh you seem pretty talented.You should start drawing again !"

"Thanks,I guess..well..I want to see your painting skills !" I said,connecting our eyes.

"Okay then !" She said as she painted my nose with some blue.

"ANNE ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!?!" I laughed.

"Sorry,just wanted to have some fun.Good,now back to work !" The girl also laughed.I could never get mad at her.

After a good couple of minutes,she raises her hand. "Nun Nancy ! We are done here !"

"My God ! That is wonderful girls ! May you tell me what is the meaning of your piece of art?" Nancy was fascinated by our work.

"God is lighting our path !" I said.

"Oooh I get it ! Wonderful job ladies ! We are going to hang this one in the museum ! You both should come with me one day to visit that museum ! There are lots of very splendid works,like yours,done by students here ! You will enjoy it for sure !"

"Thank you nun Nancy !" Anne said as she high-fived me. "We did it !"

My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Where stories live. Discover now