✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠 : Do not change if you don't want to

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I have not heard or seen Anne today..wonder if she is okay.

Anyways,I have to write a letter now.So I took the paper out of the envelope and started writing.

"What are you going to write ?" Sky asked holding her envelope in her hands.

"I know what I am going to write.It will be pretty short.But the message is going to be great,I hope."

So I began with :


This girl right here who is writing you this,is not very good in this type of writing..so I don't know what to write so you will not get mad at me,but..I want to wish you good luck here in school,cause I am not enjoying it so far,and this is what I meant to write from the beginning,but I said that I need a short introduction hahah.

If you want to change yourself,then do it,but do not change if you don't want to ! All of us were brought here by our families,thinking that we are wrong and we need to be fixed.But being yourself is easier than faking it ! Being yourself is cool and unique !

Hope you enjoyed my short message :) and sorry if you are not satisfied with it.I tried :) .


I finished the letter.

"Are you ready Sky? Let's go put them in the box !"

"Uh,oh..yes !" She answered. 

"Let's go then !"

So,in front of the box were a bunch of new girls.It was night,so we were all tired and we wanted so bad to go to sleep.

I could not wait for the morning to see what letter I am going to get !

We went back in our dorm.

"Don't you pray,Alex ?" Sky asked.

I gave her a very bad look. "Sky? Who are you ? After what happened today,do you think I want to pray? Do I seem to be and act like a person who prays? I only believe in myself ! Don't you see that many wars and destructions start mainly because of religion? The arabians attacks,homophobic attacks ..it happens because of religion,because some people believe in a deity,some in other deity,or some of them do not believe in anything.When I was small,I used to go with my parents every Sunday to the Church..but things changed as I grew up,every generation of kids started to be different so I refused to go.Yea,that was a sign of my misbehaviour."

"Okay Alex,I got it.You could simply say no without giving me any long ass speeches.I am tired..sorry !"

"That's okay..Sorry for keeping you late ! Good night!" I said.

"Good night !"

I woke up at 9 AM checking for the letters ! There were 2 of them,one for me and one for Skyler ! I am so happy,like a little child who is waiting for Santa Claus and his gifts on Christmas Day !

"Skyler wake up ! The letters are here !" I jumped on her bed happily.

"Alex,oh fuck why you had to wake me up like this ?" The girl was sooo sleepy.

I went down her bed,sit on mine and opened the envelope and started reading out louds,smiling !

Dear whoever is reading this,

May the power of God who....

And that's when I knew.I had to stop.

"Gooosh Sky,some nerd girl sent me this letter and I think she mentioned the word God for about 10 times."I said sighing.

The girl started laughing.

"Don't laugh you...oghhh !" I started laughing too.

"Give me mine too,Alex ! I want to laugh too !"

After not even a minute I hear the girl laughing.

"Don't tell me yours is written by some nerd also !" 

"Heeelll yess aaahhah !" We both laughed so bad because of our bad luck.

Today was a free day,because it was sunday,so I chose to lay in the bed and sleep,while Skyler spent her whole day in the library,having fun with some books.She came back in the afternoon,anouncing me about the dinner.

"Wake up your lazy ass and let's go have some food in our stomach ! I AM HUNGRYY !" She said jumping on my bed.

I murmured.

"Cmon you mole ! You have not spoke to Anne in 2 days ! Don't you want to see her ? Ask her what letter she got ?" 

"I did not say I don't want to go,Skyler ! I am just sleepy and if you would get your ass down my bed,I would have been ready by now !"

"Why are you like this ? Are you on your period?" Skyler asked.

"N-no Skyler ! What the fuck ? What are these questions ?!" I laughed in shock.

"I was just mesing around with you,Alex !" She laughed too,getting down my bed.

We entered the dining room.I saw a hand raising from somewhere in the room.It was Kristine.She was waving at us to come and share the table with her and Anne.

We talked very awkwardly at the table.Maybe because we were around with Kristine and Skyler.

Going back to our dorm,Skyler got mad at me.

"Why haven't you talked to her more ?"

"Listen ! There are some things I would like to discuss with her privately.I-I can't talk comfortable and be comfortable around people !"


"Skyler,please let me do it ! It is not the first time I like a girl ! I know how to manage to do things ! And I understand that you want us so bad to be together,but please,take it slow ! You are freaking me out !" I intrerrupted the girl.

"I am sorry,Alex ! I am really sorry for acting like this ! I..I should be less involved in your life !"

"Thank you,jeez ! Now if you excuse me,I am going to talk to her ! I  will be right back..I will go to her room." I said before closing the door.

Their dorm was not so far from ours,so I could go there pretty fast.The door was half-open.I knocked.No one answered.So I entered the dorm.Seconds after,I see my cherry girl coming out of the bathroom,her body being wrapped with a towel ONLY ! 

My jaw dropped.

My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Where stories live. Discover now