✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚 : A Catholic school ?!

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After I texted Rose,I came out my bedroom to go to the bathroom and have breakfast.

As I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror,I could see that nothing is going well in my life at the moment..red eyes,dark circles..

I heard my mom talking to dad while I was brushing my teeth.I could not hear what they were talking about,and honestly,I was so afraid to go for breakfast.

But,I took a deep breath,closed my eyes and put my hand on the latch and opened the door.

In the living room,both dad and mom were sitting on the couch,looking at me.

"Morning !" I said.

"I told your dad about your prefferences." My mom answered.

"What a beautiful way to tell your daughter a good morning" I said rolling my eyes as I started pouring cereals in my bowl.

"As I told you last night,we decided to send you somewhere where you will be..um..fixed.." She continued.

"How many times do I need to tell you that there is nothing to fix and no one can fix this?!?! Why can't you understand?" I rolled my eyes again,raising my voice,while adding milk."We decide that it's the best,to send you to this Catholic school,a school where girls like you are fixed" Dad told me.

"A CATHOLIC SCHOOL?!" My eyes went wide.I almost choked on my cereals.

"Yes,and you are going to spend some good time there,until everything is good.And you can't say no,we already called and booked you a place."

Fuck this shit..

"But I don't wanna go to a Catholic school !" I whined. "Can't you like,take my phone or something else?"

"And how is your problem gonna be solved,honey?!" My mom replied.

I did not fucking realise what I was thinking.We had  a few moments of silence.In those moments of silence,while I was  chewing on my cereals,I realised that going to a Catholic girls school is the ultimate BEST idea I could ever hear of.Going there..meeting new girls (which maybe have the same issue as me),making friends..I really liked the idea.

"Mom,you know what?" I raised my head. "Nevermind what I said..Taking my phone is useless.I will go to that school." 

I still cannot believe what I was saying hahah. I actually told my mom that I want to go to that school who will "torture" my wrong feelings :))).But,I won't let anything hurt my feelings,because I know my prefferences and this will never change.I will just act or I will figure out something else.I am sure I am not the only one alone to deal with stuff like this there.

"Oh ! I really cannot believe what I am hearing ! I am really glad to hear this from you !" My mom was smiling happily.I faked a smile as well.Huh..

4:35 PM this afternoon

Rose❤︎ : Hello,babe ! How is it going?  

recieved ✔

Me:Let's say that everything goes well,though it doesn't..They are going to send me to a Catholic girls school. I think I will leave...tomorrow morning actually.Some buss is going to take me there.It's not pretty far..It is located in a suburb around London.Away from everything,any form of civilisation xD or wifi.


Rose❤︎ : Oh,that sounds pretty harsh.Hope you will survive it and come back with the same feelings you have for me.How long are you gonna stay? 

recieved ✔

Me:Actually,I do not know..But you do not have to worry.I will fake the tests and act in order to send me back as soon as possible.So,I guess,I have to act straight :(


Rose❤︎ : AAhahah. This is really great.But be carefull and do not make it too suspicious you change your mind like that.You are working with psychologists there and they may figure out.Anyways,please text me when you get there and tell me about the place.I am gonna miss you so much.

recieved ✔

Me: I will,Rose.I am gonna miss my babygirl too.Please,if you miss me that much,do not forget you have some of my hoodies ;)


Rose❤︎ : How can I forget about them ? I am wearing one right now ^^ ❤︎ 

recieved ✔

Me: Ahh,you are such a sweet babygirl ❤︎ 


"Girl ! I hope you are packing your stuff because the buss is comming tomorrow morning !"

I heard my mom behind my door.Fuck,I was talking with my girlfriend.

"I am mom !" I screamed.

"May I come inside?" My mom asked.

"Uhm,y-yes?" I said wondering what she wants.

"You know,I talked to your girlfriend's parents,and guess what?They also did not know about you girls and got pretty mad,because you lied to us all this time !"


"I know but what you did was way worse ! You told us she is your best friend,but I bet that when we were not home,you were doing all that bad stuff !"

"WHAT? Mom,I did not have sex with her !"

"And I am glad you did not ! You might get infections or bacterias or ughhh..It freaks me out just thinking about it !"

My phone was ringing.I got a few messages from Rose.

"WHY ARE YOU RUINING EVERYTHING?!" I said as my mom shut the door.

Rose❤︎: We cannot do this anymore,Alex.I am so sorry.

recieved ✔

I could not even respond to her.I could not accept this.Also,I could not sleep all night and threw things all around my room.Fuck this shit !

My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora