10. The Future Past

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"I think I had a thing for unique eyes."

I said this to my granddaughter who burst out laughing as soon as the words were out of my mouth. She laughed hard, the kind of laugh that caused me to join her.

"Oh my God, grandma," she said through her laughter. "I can't believe you met two most handsome guys in a span of a few days. It almost sounds like a nice Disney movie."

"Oh, yeah, Disney movies are still a thing, right?"

She burst out laughing again. "Did you watch any Disney movies? Your story could pass for one in flying colours."

That's because it was only the beginning and I didn't want to spoil her cloud nine expectation of it. At least not yet.

"So, which of the two boys did you like more?"

I thought about that long and hard and even though I knew she was asking about my younger self and my younger crushes, the answer to that was a bit fuzzy. There's a lot of confusion going on when you are young.

"I don't know. You'll find out soon I hope."

"What about the other one? The Grey eyed guy?"

"Oh, I met him again." I smiled. "In a place I didn't think I would, and I was already way in over my head."

"Interesting." She bounced up and down in joy but I knew I couldn't continue with the story. I needed to rest and I just couldn't wait for my husband to get back home. What was taking him so long anyway? Throughout the story, I kept an eye out for him. Expecting to see him anytime but he didn't show up.

"Ma'am, Excuse me, ma'am, it's time for your medication. And would you like something to eat? Emma, you too if you want something, I can bring it here for you?"

One of my helpers came. Already with the glass of water in one hand and my horrible medicines on the other. I hated them. They almost always get stuck somewhere between my throat and my stomach and I have to spend a few hours burping nothing but their odour. But oh, well, on the other hand, they were what kept my tired bones strong.

"I know you want more and I will give you more, I promise. I just have to take those unpleasant medicines and rest a little bit, yeah? Go have something to eat."


She shuffled to stand up but before she could leave, I just had to ask. I had to know. "How is your mom?"

"Mom is okay, I think she will be here later. She didn't tell you?"

Of course, she didn't. But I wasn't going to tell her that. It was best she thought everything was good.

"No, she told me. I just wanted to find out from you if she was okay. Alright, off you go. I'll see you a little bit later okay."


My phone was ringing.

It woke me up by the way.

What? You think just because I was old, I didn't own one? Think again. I even still had my Facebook page. No joke. How cool was that? From my young pictures to my old pictures, pretty sweet ey?

"Hey, beautiful."

My husband's voice on the other line brought a smile to my lips before I scowled.

"Where in the world are you? I can't help but notice you are not here yet."

"I know, I'll be back soon. I just have to take care of this little thing before I finalize the ownership."

"Okay, get back soon. Emma is here so, bring something for her."

"I will. Say hello to my favourite granddaughter."

"You have only one."

He laughed and I loved every part of it.

"Okay, I better go join her. Bye."

Slowly, I stood up from my bed and pressed the button on the remote control to call one of the helpers to help me steadying my walking cane as well as me in general. Once that task was done and I finally sat in my favourite chair with a cup of coffee on my arm, I was ready to continue the story that Emma was oh, so eagerly waiting for.

"So." I raised my cup and took a sip. "Are you ready for the beginning of a more interesting part?"

"I was born ready."

"Well then buckle up. This part is going to be a little bit bumpy."

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