20. Family brunch.

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"Jesus Christ, Amelia, will you please stop Looking at your phone every five minutes?" Margaret hissed next to me.

"Sorry, just checking the time."

"Really? Every five minutes?" She raised her brows and the irritation behind her eyes was something you wouldn't miss. "Let's just watch the movies. Okay?"

"Okay, okay," I said, putting my phone back down on my lap.

I tried to watch the movie. I really did. But I just couldn't concentrate on it. I had no idea half the time what was happening. My mind just wasn't there. I kept on subtly looking at my phone, trying to see if I had any messages or missed calls or something from him but nothing. Every time I looked, there was nothing. That slowly got me more and more irritated every passing second.

I mean, we kissed for crying out loud, such a heated kiss at that. It's only natural I would expect at least a message, right? Even if the message would be nothing but a simple 'hi' but nothing. Not a peep.

I had given up on the notion I would receive any message or call from him by the time we got back home from the movies that evening. I was agitated and had an unwelcome feeling of dread in my stomach. I felt like I had been, I don't know...used? I shouldn't have expected anything from him, but I couldn't help it. It was my first kiss, and I thought at least something would happen after.

"Hey girls, welcome back! Are you guys hungry?" Melissa asked from the kitchen. "We just finished eating, but there's plenty more left."

We walked into the kitchen and found Melisa busying herself with washing the dishes while dad stood next to her. "Yeah, we could eat, we didn't eat at the mall," Margaret answered.

"How was the movie?" He asked, "Did you enjoy it?"

Dad was trying to walk around the biggest elephant in the room and it was taking forever. We were all thinking about it, my little outburst earlier and now that we all found ourselves in the same situation just like when I first walked into the kitchen earlier, I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"It was good," Margret said as she pulled up a chair.

"Dad." I took in a long breath, but before I could start on my apologies. Maybe it was my remorseful face or probably even my body language that gave me away, but dad spoke before I could say anything.

"It's okay, Kiddo. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"No, I had no right to act that way. This is your life and I'm sorry. Melissa, I'm sorry too."

"Oh, honey." Melisa washed her hands and walked to where I sat before she pulled my head against her side in a hug. "We should have told you, and we are sorry too."

"This is cool," said Margaret. "Addressing the elephant and all."

"Margaret." Dad rolled his eyes. "Shut up."

Thank God things seemed to have gone back to the normal I was used to.

"Alright, now that that is out of the way, I have something to tell you, girls." Dad reached up and removed his reading glasses. "We've been invited to my boss's house for a family brunch tomorrow. Will you guys be okay to go?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, it's okay. What time do we leave?"

"Around ten-thirty, or so. You girls better be ready by then."

"We will," Margaret answered.

"Yeah, we will," I clarified just as a small yawn escaped me. "I think I'm gonna retire for the night if that's okay? I'm a bit tired."

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