14. The Bombshell and The Damsel.

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Once again, I found myself in a Happy-Go-Lucky mood.

With that mood in place, and since mom wasn't home just like she said she wouldn't, I decide to busy myself with making dinner for us. I scoured the fridge for any possible options and came up with the boneless chicken thigh, and a bunch of different vegetables and decided I was going to make a chicken vegetable stir-fry.

Mom was still not back even after I finished with the cooking and setting the table. Not wanting to sit by idly while waiting for her, I decided to try out my crippled hand in writing some of my left-over assignments.

Bad idea.

You could read what I tried to write, but you would have to be angling your head all kinds of direction to get a good read. But if you are into that sort of reading, I guess I wasn't all that bad.

"Honey, I'm home," Mom called as she opened the entrance door. "Oh, wow. It smells terrific in here."

"Yeah, I made us dinner." I walked towards her to help with her handbag and together we walked to the kitchen. "Figured you would come back hungry so, yeah."

She smiled and pulled me into a hug, "I am famished, thank you. What did you make?"

"Chicken veggie stir-fry."

"Ooh, sounds yummy, can't wait to try it."

And I let her try it. Silently. Okay, I got a confession to make. My Happy-Go-Lucky mood aside, I had an ulterior motive for being extra.



"I wanna ask you something. Just don't get all weird about it, okay? It's not a big deal."

Mom raised her head from her plate where she looked like she was enjoying herself from the way she had her mouth full and looked at me. While she creased her brows and threw me a look that clearly said she was a bit confused, she continued chewing the rest of the food in her mouth.

"Okay. Ask away."

Here goes nothing.

"How did you know?" I asked. "When you first met dad, how did you know that you liked him?"

Her eyes widened. I don't think she ever expected me to ask her that kind of question. After her initial shock was gone, she smiled one big toothy smile.

"Wow, this is new and exciting." She pushed her plate away from her, got down from her chair, and came around close to me. "This is about a boy, isn't it? God, this is exciting. My daughter and I speak about boys for the first time. Come on, move over," she scooted me over. "I wanna hear all about this."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I knew it. She always wanted to hear if I had any interest in a boy, and this was her chance.

"It's not a big deal, mom," I said "It's just that. Well, there is this boy, Logan, and... I don't know. I mean, I know that I think he's good looking and that I find myself nervous around him but, I don't know what that means, or maybe, I'm just afraid of what that could mean. Really, I'm just confused, and I guess that's why I wanna know how did you know?"

"Wow, okay um­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­... Well, I guess, it's different for everybody," she said. "But when I first met your dad." She took a deep breath. "He was the most handsome guy I think I ever saw at that time."

Well, I kinda thought Logan was hot when I first met him. Of course, that was before I remembered it was him who punched me then I didn't think so anymore. Not until recently that I started getting mixed confusions.

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