44. The Future Past.

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My granddaughter's eyes beamed with tears, and her lips trembled from sadness.

I smiled. Reassuring kind of smile. "Now, now, dear, " I said and ran my fingers against the side of her head, combing the front mop of her hair backward. "Everything was just in the past."

She sniffed and moved closer before she flung her arms around my shoulders. "Why did Suzy do that?" She asked. "Why she didn't listen to you? I can't believe all those awful things happened to you. Did you guys ever patch things up?"

I took a deep breath and thought about it for a moment. Did we really? Even after a while, after everything, I'm not sure I would say our friendship was the same. Things started happening and then when we thought we were finally getting back to our friendship, that awful night happened. Gradually severing all hopes for us.

To some degree, it was my fault for being blind. I should have known better. I should have known some things are just too deep to be forgotten. I should have known my best friend had a darkness inside her that was eating at her. Demanding to be let out.

But that's a story for another day.

Remind me to come back to that, will you?

"In a way, yeah, " I decided at last.

Her forehead furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I patted her on her shoulder. "I'd love to continue the story, but I need a little rest. I already sat here long enough. Could you help me up?"

"Yeah, of course."

She got up from the sofa and walked around to my side. "What did Logan do then? And Luke. What happened to his relationship with Suzy?"

"Well, what I can tell you is..." I reached on either side of my walking clutches, getting ready to help Emma help me hoist myself up.

"Yeah?" She encased her hands around my bicep closer to my armpit.

"Things got a lot more complicated and... Ugh!"

Accidentally, my walking clutches slipped from under my feet, making me stumble sideways. I fought to stay upright, but my tired legs couldn't hold me. As a result, even with Emma's efforts to help, I crashed onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Grandma!" Was all I heard before things started to spin around me, and everything faded behind the darkness.


The disturbing beeping sounds pierced through my ears, jolting me back from the dark, peaceful slumber I was under.

I winced as my eyes slowly fluttered open. The blight lights made me close them the next second.

I groaned from the pain that shot on the side of my ribs. Slowly, I tried to inch my hand closer to feel that area only to notice RV tubes running along my arm.

"Mom, mom, are you okay?"

Even though I wasn't sure exactly where my daughter's voice was coming from, warmth spread across my chest, causing a smile to my face. "I'll go call the doctors," she said before her hurried feet padded out of the hospital floor.

"Hey, " my husband's voice made me turn my face around to the side it came from. "You are okay."

His face was a haze of blur at first before slowly; it came into focus.

"You gave me quite a scare, " he said, placing both his palms on either side of my cheeks.

I smiled. "I was scared. But don't worry, I'm not leaving you alone just yet."

"Only you would make jokes at times like this. Remind me never to leave you alone again. I left you for a few hours, and you already went and scared me half to death."

I would have answered him with one of my witty comments just to see him smile, but only then, the doctor, along with my daughter and granddaughter walked in.

"Well, hello there. Good to see you are awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked as he took my palm on his to feel my pulse.

"Oh, just good to be awake."

"That's good. Your pulse seems normal. You fell on the side of your ribs, which caused a small fracture on your lower rib. I've already administered pain medication to help you out."

"Is she gonna be okay?" My granddaughter's small voice asked.

"Of course, I'm going to be okay," I said and extended my free of tubes hand to her. "Come here. You got nothing to worry about. Your grandmother is as strong as an ax. Weren't you listening to my story?"

She let out a small chuckle. "Grandma. You cried half the time when you were young."

"That's because you haven't heard the rest of the story." I smiled.

She smiled back, but it didn't reach her beautiful green eyes. Tears started to gather behind her lids. "Grandma, I am so sorry."

"What? Emma, there is no need to be sorry. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault."

"She's going to be fine, " the doctor reassured her. "I'm just sorry to say upon the impact to the ground, you got a mild concussion, which was what caused your blackout, but we are already treating that. We will have to keep you here overnight for further observation, and if all goes well, you should be able to go back home tomorrow."

"See? I'm fine. No need to worry."

On the side of my eye, I could see my daughter just looking at me.

"Rebecca?" I called.

"I'll... I... I'll go prepare something from home for you, " she said before she stormed out of the hospital room.

My heart sunk. I had hoped she would finally leave everything behind her and talk to me.

"She's going to come around, " my husband said.

I wanted to believe him. The problem was, he always told me she would, but she never did.

"I hope so."

"Now, all you need to worry about..." said my husband as he slowly pulled the bed covered against my torso. "Is getting as much rest as you can. Tomorrow we will bring you back home."


Some middle story there between Rebecca and Amelia did you get it? Let me know.

Continue on part 2.

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