23. Profanities and other messed up thoughts.

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She was here.

At my house, and like the fucker I was, I fucked up everything and stood there like a brain deprived Zombie with no brain to latch onto.

Stupid brainless Zombie.

I think more than anything, I was just surprised. Nothing about our conversation that afternoon told me she would be coming over. If anything, I was sure she would leave me alone to figure things out.

"What the fuck was Amelia doing here?"

Charlotte's voice seemed to startle me out of my daze. For a minute there, I had forgotten she was still standing out there, beside me. I turned my attention back to her twisted in a scowl face. I had so much to say, but everything seemed to have been passing through my mind at a painfully slow pace. I was angry. I knew that much for a fact.

Angry at whom? I couldn't tell you. Maybe myself. Maybe Charlotte who now that I give it a deep thought, had no business being at my house.

I stood there, unmoving and unspeaking with only my eyes wide, or maybe even narrowed, I wasn't sure, staring at Charlotte for what seemed like forever.

"I asked, what was that about?"

"That," finally finding my voice, I raised my finger towards where Amelia's car was parked a while ago. "That was none of your business, Charlotte. You should go home."

"Your business is my business, Logan."

"No, it's not. We talked about this. You and I, it can't work out. You need to leave."

I turned away from her and walked into my house, only one thought in my mind. I had to make it right with Amelia. She was hurt, I saw that in those beautiful dark eyes of hers before she walked away, and I knew her better. Making her wait any longer would not do me any good. She might just decide never to speak to me again and I was in no mood to wait her out for the rest of my life.

Of course, Charlotte didn't let me off that easily. High in my tail, she grabbed my hand, succeeding in halting me in my path of destruction.

"So, what then? I'm just an easy fuck for you."

As if I asked her to constantly be throwing herself at me every chance she gets. I didn't get it. Really. Charlotte was beautiful, and powerful, being the daughter of the senator and all. She could get anybody she wanted, and she certainly knew how to do that. She understood she and I had nothing in common anymore, and it's not like she wasn't fucking other men.

Yes. I knew this for a fact, but that's a story for another day. A lot more vital matters at hand.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a minute before I looked at her to make sure she understood every word I was about to say. "Charlotte, you are not an easy lay, but you know there's nothing between us. Not anymore. Why don't you just go home and rest, okay?"

Anger. So much anger was oozing out of her eyes, but I couldn't do anything about it. She wasn't the one who needed my attention then.

"This isn't over, Logan. Not by a long shot," she spat before she turned around and marched out of my house.

I didn't waste a minute. I retrieved my car keys and ran out of my house.


I'm not sure how long I sat inside my car parked outside of Amelia's house like a stalker. I wasn't stalking. I was just checking out the place. I didn't know what I was hoping for. Maybe to see her on the window, or something. Who knows?

Nothing. The whole house, in fact, the whole damn street was quiet. Apart from a few cars parked here and there, there was no movement of anything else.

Slowly, I opened my car door, got out, walked to her front door, and knocked. For a few minutes, nobody came to answer the door. Just as I raise my knuckles to knock again, the doorknob jerked and slumped down before the door creaked open.

Let me tell you, those seconds between the doorknob jerking, and the actual opening, no matter how few they may have been, I nearly had a heart attack from the way my heart was pounding. For some fucked up reasons, don't ask, I expected a lot of fucked up things to happen.

First, I expected Amelia to be the one to open the door, and went as far as thinking maybe, just maybe, sparks will fry between us as soon as her dark eyes meet my green ones, and all will be alright.

I know, fucked up.

Second, this one is even more fucked up than the first one, so don't judge I'm just telling my truth here, but second, I expected her hair to be looking wet because in my mind, she just came out of the bathroom, and that would have looked hot as hell.

The thing is, all my weird thoughts died out like a snuffed-out candlelight the moment the door was fully opened. The eyes that met me were dark and big, but they didn't belong to Amelia. These ones had something else behind them. These eyes had lived longer and seen all there is to see in this life. These had years and years of knowledge.

The woman behind the door was most definitely Amelia's mother. Although blonde, I could tell that much.

Well, well, well. Interesting.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I uh... I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am. My name is Logan, and I was hoping to speak to Amelia."

"Oh, hi."

There was a small change in her demeanor. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree the moment I mentioned my name. Her eyes gleamed like she already knew my name, and I'll be honest with you, I felt a bit of pride in myself. Amelia mentioned me to her.

Good girl.

"Sorry, Amelia is not home right now."


Honestly, I got a little surprised. She left my house way before I did. She should have been home.

"Would you like to wait for her, maybe?"

"No. No, that's okay. I'm sure I'll see her tomorrow at school."

"Alright. I'll tell her you were here."

"Thank you. Bye now."

There was only one other place she could have gone to, and I knew exactly where that was.

I parked my car outside Suzy's house, but this time, I didn't hesitate walking up to her door and knocking. I've wasted enough time already. The moment Suzy opened her door, I knew Amelia was inside. This came from the way her face was twisted angrily, to the colourful words she hurled at me. I didn't expect her to deny me to see her, but she did just that.

I messed up. I wanted to make it right and she was standing on the way of that like a damn wall.

Fuckin' Suzy.

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