46. Unintentional mistakes.

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I realized I hadn't thought that plan through.

Came to think about it, I wasn't even thinking about anything else other than just driving. My mind was completely blank. All I knew was I needed to get out of my house and go to dad. It was a miracle I hadn't gotten myself into an accident during my drive since I wasn't even sure I was in the right mind.

But the moment I stood behind my dad's front door, everything else came to me. Problem was, I wasn't exactly sure what to do next. Was I supposed to knock? Was anyone even home?

I decided to skip school. I stormed out of my house without looking back and showed up on my dad's front door as if everyone was entitled to be waiting for me every second of the day.

Margaret was probably at school. Dad definitely at work, and Melissa... Well, I had no idea what she did on weekdays. I never asked. All the time I've known her, I never asked what she did when everybody else wasn't home.

Shame on me.

So, there I was, without a key to the house or idea on what my next step should be.

Calling dad would have been ideal, but I didn't want him to leave work just so he can come home for me.

Tiredly, I dropped my bag on the floor, and sat down on the front steps before I fished my phone out of my bag, and composed a message.

'Margaret, I am sitting at your front steps. Do you know if anybody is home? Or when they would be?'

A few moments later a message sound beeped.

'Hold on.'

So, I did.

Five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty, forty minutes later. No message, no calls.

It seemed like she had forgotten about me.

Of course, that was until the sound of a sports car resonated on my ears. I turned my head to the direction the sound came from and a familiar, sleek Blue Ford gracefully eased itself on dad's front porch.

"You know?" His familiar, smooth voice reached my ears as he slunk his bare elbow over his open window and stuck his head outside, causing his brown hair that looked darker at that moment to sway from his back to the front of his forehead. "One of these days, you gonna have to pay me for coming to your rescue."

I smiled as I stood up from the steps and skipped to his car.

"Ethan? What are you doing here?"

He seemed to have gotten the right reaction from me from the way a lopsided smirk formed on his lips.

Let me tell you, and I'm telling you this now sorely from the observation. Ethan was handsome and most certainly knew how to represent himself. I remember thinking, his girlfriend, whoever she was, was a lucky woman.

He emerged out of his car like some sort of a mysterious, dark knight on a mission. Dark washed-out jeans, dark denim jacket, and dark sunglasses. The only light-colored cloth he wore was a thin, light grey, V-neck t-shirt that perfectly showed off all his glorious and white-soled snickers.

Everything I've seen so far suited him perfectly.

His pink lips stretched in a smile before he pulled his sunglasses over his head and left them there. Causing it to hold most of his front hair on top of his head.

"I told you. I came to your rescue."

Before I could even answer him or ask more questions, he pulled me into a hug like he knew I needed it.

That was one of the things I liked about Ethan. He seemed to almost always knew what to do to lighten my mood and never ask questions.

"Well, that and your dad asked me to bring you the house keys."

Of course, he did.

"Why thank you, my savior." I raised both my hands and placed my fingers against my heart and took an exaggerated audible sharp intake of my breath. "Oh, however, was I going to survive this dreadful day, sitting outside these steps for any minute longer."

He smiled and fished the keys out of his pocket. "You are adorable."

While I unlocked the doors, I turned my head around only to find him already looking at me. "I err... Do you want anything to drink? Maybe eat?" I asked.

"No, not really. But..." He took a step close and bit the insides of his lower lip. "If you want, we could go get a nice cup of coffee just three blocks from here."

"Oh, I huh... I actually came here because I wanted to..." I stopped myself before I could finish telling him no.

Of all the people apart from my mother, Since I met him, Ethan has always saved the day by showing up to support me emotionally no matter what. Even if we weren't that close, or I would say not that acquainted with each other, that didn't seem to deter him.

Not to mention the tone of voice he used to ask me to go have that coffee. It sounded so hopeful and I didn't want to shove it back in his face by refusing.

"You know what? I think I'd love to go. I haven't eaten anything anyway. And oh, maybe you can tell me how in the world you have my dad's house keys."

He chuckled and removed his jacket before he slung it over his right shoulder and held it there with his right hand. He might have not meant for that action to cause his bicep muscles to flex and tighten under his smooth skin, but they did just that. Or maybe he knew exactly what he was doing. He was a guy, afterall.

"Oh, you gonna hear all about it. And believe me, it's very interesting, " he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

I led Ethan all the way to the kitchen and left him there before I walked to my room and decided to change my attire altogether.

I quickly freshened up and change into a pair of Tanned khaki short shorts and a black tank top. To finish up, I wore my black strappy sandals and let my hair cascade down my shoulders in their natural big waves before I took one last look at myself in the mirror and walked back downstairs to Ethan.

"I'm ready, " I announced as I entered the kitchen.

Ethan stood up and skimmed his eyes shamelessly from my head to my toes before I swear his irises darkened. Heat rushed to my cheeks from the amount of want showed on them at that moment. I wasn't even sure Ethan knew what was happening to his eyes.

When he noticed I had noticed him checking me out, he cleared his throat and took a step closer and slid his jacket over his back.

"Okay then, let's get this show on the road. Shall we?"

'Gladly' I thought.

Together, Ethan and I walked outside dad's house and into his sports car. I didn't have any worry or any female intuitions tingling down my spine for anything. It should have. If there was any time I needed my female intuition was then, but it failed me completely.

Just as Ethan started reversing, he slammed on the breaks in such a force that caused me to jolt forward.

The screeching sound of another car behind us made me twist my head around only to be met with the car I knew all too well parked right behind Ethan's car.

Never, in a million years did the thought ever occur to me. Not even in my wildest dreams did I think I would see his car at my dad's house. At least not at that time.

How the heck.


I was screwed. Big time.


Well, the drama is on the way. I can't wait to see what happens after this.

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