48. Hot seat from Hell.

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"Amelia? What in God's name is going on here?"

Logan, Ethan, and I turned our faces up to a wide-eyed dad standing a few feet away from us.

His eyes frantically dashed around from my ragged form to the two equally disheveled boys on either side of me before he quirked both his eyebrows.

I imagined it must have been quite a scene to him. All of us down on the floor in front of the whole neighborhood. Which I think was the reason why none of us uttered a word. What could we have said? None of us expected an interruption, and when the interruption actually happened, it came in form of the owner of the house we were so busy causing the freak show from.

"Can somebody please, explain to me what is going on here?"

I blinked.

That was a good question. What the hell was going on? But thank God before any of us could think of an excuse to give, dad raised his hand to stop us from answering before he pointed his finger towards the entrance door.

"Inside. Now."

Shamefully, I nodded my head while both Ethan and Logan helped me up. I was in a lot of trouble. I was going to have to explain to dad what was going on. Dad had never seen me in any kind of weird situations before. I guess not living together contributed to that, but still, I never wanted him to witness any peculiar behavior from me.

"You guys just go home, okay?" I took a deep breath, mentally preparing to go face dad. "I gotta go."

"I meant all of you."


Dad apparently had other ideas.

Those ideas of his were surely not going to be pleasant. I wasn't ready to face all three men and after everything, I was sure as hell, wasn't ready to go through the awkward questions with him while the boys listen.

Speaking of the boys, none of them had anything to say except to glare at each other in a fleeting moment as if they were sending each other the 'this is your fault' mental note. Well, they could glare at it other as much as they wanted. There was no way around it. With the final deep breath, I made my way inside the house following behind dad who was galloping his way through the doors, and behind me, were the two boys.

Dad didn't walk straight to the living room. He waited just behind the doors. As soon as the last person got inside, which was Logan, he closed and locked the door behind him.

We were in big trouble.

Nobody was going anywhere until dad said so, or at least until he got what he wanted from us. Without any other word spoken, he brushed past us and into the living room.

We followed.


Let me tell you. My nerves were killing me. There were so many ways things would get even uglier. Lots of scenarios ran through my mind at high speed. What was dad thinking? What was Ethan thinking and most importantly, what was my boyfriend thinking?

See, one thing I knew for sure was that, Dad knew Ethan and he definitely pinned for him. Without even knowing if the guy was indeed interested in me, by the way. Logan on the other hand, not so much. He was at the disadvantage. Heck, dad didn't even know I had a boyfriend.

"Sit down, " he said after the three of us just stood there, watching him as if we were lost and had no idea what to do next.

"So?" He clicked his tongue once all of us huddled together on the three seater's sofa in front of him. Me between the two boys. "What was all that about?"

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