28. The Talk.

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I realized something on that day.

Some, hell, probably most of the ancient sayings are misleading, or total bullshit at best if you give it time to really think about them.

One of the biggest bullshits of them all: 'When you are with the one, you feel at peace.' Totally, utterly, bullshit. Believe me, cause' I would know. Instead of being at peace, I was a wreckage ball of nerves.

Seriously, there was not enough AC in the car or in the world to calm my boiling body.

This was it. Everything he and I did, or didn't do, or whatever that was passing between us. The kissing, the lingering looks, the not so understandable messages, the hurt I felt when I saw him with Charlotte, everything was finally gonna come down to the talk we were going to have, so of course, I was a nervous wreck.

Logan, on the other hand, calmly, gracefully drove his car like he had no care in the world. Like it wasn't a big deal as if to him that was just another walk in the park. Maybe it was. Or maybe he was just used to stuff like this.

When we finally got to the ice-cream booth, he led me to the farthest table in the farthest corner of the shop. That was a good move. It meant we would not be disturbed. Which also meant, I'd have some real alone time to tell him what I really needed from him.


"Have a seat, I'll be right back," he said before he disappeared back to the front.

I let loose the longest breath in the history of breathing. Several first sentences on how to start this conversation raced through my mind. None of them sounded even remotely good enough. The longest sentences I could form were:

I was thinking we...

I was hoping that...

I wanted us to...

I never got past that. How do you tell a guy you want more than what you were getting? For a moment there, I began considering the possibility of this being a bad idea. For both of us. Maybe we were supposed to just ride with it and roll it out until it cleared itself.

"Here you go." He slid an ice cream container across the table.

I was too deep into my not-so-productive thoughts I hadn't even realized he had come back. My eyes widen, and warmth spread across my body when I looked at the container.

"You remembered that?"

"Of course, I did. That's what you had the day I first met you. You didn't get to enjoy it, so..." He sauntered his way around the table and took the chair that was right next to me.

My heart swelled as my cheeks turned a rosy shade. Who knew he was even paying attention to me that day, much less at what I was eating? Just like that, the thought of maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to have this conversation after all, invaded my mind, giving me hope.

You guys can call it a third eye-opener or whatever, but I think for the first time, and I mean really first time because I'm sure I already said first time with him a lot since I started telling you this story, but right now forget all of those times because this here, this here is the real deal.

So yeah, for the first time, I really looked at him. I looked at his handsome face, that if it wasn't for everything we've been through that first day, I'm sure I would have gotten hooked with the moment I saw.

I looked at his beautiful, piercing eyes that got me squirming every time he looked back at me.

His straight nose that fitted perfectly to his handsome face.

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