19. Weekend at dads.

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Brace yourself. I'm about to start rambling.

You know that time when you have that butterfly feeling in your stomach that started the moment you did something you know you shouldn't have done not long ago, and by not long ago I mean last night, but it was so good and you know it in your heart you will definitely think about possibly doing it again sooner rather than later even though you know you absolutely shouldn't even think about it because you know it is just not a good idea, but you can't help it and now it's the only thing you think about, and everything is super confusing since every time you try to think about what you did could possibly mean, you don't get anywhere with answers leaving you right where you started?

Yeah, I know. Life is tough.

The cause of my confusion had driven me home last night but didn't say much in the car on our way over. Which left me wondering what was going through his mind. He seemed cool as a cucumber while I was left blushing every time I would remember the way we were clinging on to each other as we if were clinging to dear life itself.

With a sigh, I looked at my bedside watch only to realize I spent a lot more time mulling over my last night's action than I anticipated. With a final sigh, I got up, brushed my teeth, and slowly made my way to the kitchen.

"There you are. Did you get a good sleep? How was your night yesterday?"

Mom who again, sat on the table with her laptop open, busy with work I presumed, stopped typing as soon as I walked in.

"Hi, mom." I reached the coffee machine and poured myself a cup of black coffee and took a sip as I thought about how to answer her about my night. "It was err... Interesting."

"Yeah? As long as you had fun, I'm happy for you."

"You have no idea." I blushed.

"Good news!" Mom dangled my car keys in front of my face. "Your car is outside. They brought it this morning."

"Really? Thank God. I was actually thinking of borrowing your car today. I'm going to dad's, remember?"

The grim that flashed on her face was so small. If I wasn't paying attention, I would have missed it. The small change in the way she took that breath in through her nose, how her Adam's apple bobbed when she subtly swallowed her saliva, the way her finger muscles tightened even if it was just for a second, everything told me mom had taken the news to her heart.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. What time will you be leaving?"

I took a bit longer to answer. The tug and push within myself was tearing me in two. I wanted to go. I had promised Margaret, but then mom who was trying to hide everything she felt with all her might, was in front of me and it was nerve-wracking.

"I'm not sure," I said. "I'll see. Maybe around three? I got a few things I need to take care of before I leave."

"Okay." She bobbed her head. "How is Suzy?"

Crap, I totally forgot about her.

I was out of my chair in a flash as if the seat had caught on fire. With rapid steps to my room, I vaguely answered mom's question over my shoulder with 'she's fine' before I slammed my door shut. I couldn't believe I hadn't even thought about my friend. Not even once.

Five missed calls and three messages. All from her.


'Amelia, where the hell are you? I'm gonna kill you when I find you!'

'Oh! Logan just texted me that he drove you home?'

'Logan drove you home? WHAT THE HELL? I expect you to give me all the juicy details later. I didn't even know he was at the club? Well, I'm still here. I met some of my friends, but I will be going home soon. Goodnight, and have fun.'

Amelia | ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα