2.12 || The Prodigal Young Master

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All the attendees for the blessing ceremony had to change into attires provided by the monastery. The robe was a muted light brown in color and was somewhat flimsier in design and construction compared to the thicker robes that Yang Wenbao was already used to wearing. However, these provided robes still looked more lavish than the plain grey robes the monks were wearing.

It seemed that even the imperial family had to wear the same kind of garment. Yang Wenbao saw some familiar figures from a distance due to the segregation of the assigned places between officials and imperial family members. Zhou Yunzhen and Zhou Yunzhu still looked as exquisite as ever despite the plain robes they were wearing. They also noticed Yang Wenbao looking their way from across the small man-made canal that separated them. The two paths would ultimately lead to the main temple, where the head abbot was.

Truth was, Yang Wenbao did not understand why the paths taken by the officials and the imperial family must be different if they would end up in the same place anyway. Perhaps it was for security? But with the amount of personal guards each prince was bringing along, who would be moronic enough to cause disturbance?

The twins bowed and waved at him; and Yang Wenbao bowed in return. The Fifth Prince and the Fourth Princess had left Moqu town approximately a week before Yang Wenbao's own departure. Because the two were royal children, they had to make their journey with the imperial entourage from the capital city, thus they had to allow sufficient leeway to make the trip on time.

"How tiring... ,"  Yang Wenbao thought, feeling slight pity towards his two young friends, "All these protocols and customs... . Wouldn't it be much easier if they just traveled with the Yang family?"

However, more than the two youths, he wanted see another person. His eyes immediately brightened when he saw another familiar figure. For some reason, that person was walking very slowly, as if he was in a daze. Zhou Yequan was trailing behind the various members of the imperial family. As usual, his hands were wrapped in white gloves, barely touching the guiding attendant. However, he was walking at the very end of the line, his steps somewhat sluggish as though he was enduring discomfort.

"Is it because of the heat? He looks... a bit sick." Yang Wenbao was worried. Zhou Yequan's pale skin seemed almost transparent under the scorching sun. Although the attendants brought paper umbrellas to shield their masters from the heat, it did not seem to grant any comfort to the Seventh Prince. Yang Wenbao really wanted to touch the other's forehead, just to see if Zhou Yequan was feeling uncomfortable.

Coincidentally, Zhou Yunzhen seemed to notice Zhou Yequan being left behind as well. He whispered some words towards Zhou Yunzhu, and the two immediately made their pace slower, waiting for Zhou Yequan to reach their line.

Yang Wenbao saw the twins greeting Zhou Yequan and said a few words, though it was way too far for Yang Wenbao to know what they were talking about. There was a light smile on the Seventh Prince's lips as they conversed. However, when Zhou Yunzhen gestured towards Yang Wenbao's direction and said some more words to Zhou Yequan, no doubt notifying the latter of Yang Wenbao's existence, that smile immediately vanished.

Yang Wenbao's half-raised hand to greet Zhou Yequan halted. For a short moment, he forgot that Zhou Yequan was unable to see him anyway. Yet, even so, what were in those light eyes? Although there was some distance between them, Yang Wenbao's sense of sight had been sharpened ever since he bore Tian Lei's power. Therefore, during the short second where Zhou Yequan was facing his way, his heart tightened. The pair of glass eyes were cold, much too cold and apathetic. Then, as if Zhou Yequan did not acknowledge his presence at all, the person kept walking forward, carrying his slow strides just a tiny bit faster.

Zhou Yunzhen and Zhou Yunzhu looked at Yang Wenbao, then at Zhou Yequan's back with befuddlement on their faces. Finally, they also resumed their walk.

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