3.6 || My Dream, Your Truth

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For the celebrities involved in the show ['Beauties and The Wilderness'], there were no stylists or make-up artists assigned to them. The producers wanted to show the fans their idols as raw as they were, yet initially the three entertainment companies were worried about these celebrities' images in a real-time show such as this.

Thus the chosen celebrities were ones that already had a strong standing and clean track of record. Then again, these 'beauties' already knew the fundamentals to look after their assets and also to look presentable.

"The drones will follow everyone to capture aerial view," a show technician nervously explained, holding a device in his hand to show it to the beautiful people surrounding him. He could not believe his luck, to be able to participate in this show where his number one bias was participating... . He glanced at a pretty teenager with her braided long hair softly gathered to one shoulder. She was precisely the visual as well as main dancer of the group 'Bubble', Maria Suez. Noticing his glance, Mary threw him an encouraging smile, her small action adding more points inside the technician's-heart.

Some of the other male participants glanced knowingly at each other and merely hid their smiles in their cheeks. Bubble was definitely one of the hottest female idol groups in the country at the moment, but their popularity was way below the male idol group 'Bow'. Yet, the girls were flown to the island by one of Bloom Media's helicopters. Although the newest shareholder, Gareth Stuart, had not come, these people who were always in tune with the media gossips would know who was Bubble's backer.

The technician was now more emboldened after being encouraged by the girl of his dreams, "Ahem, so like I said, this beaut here will be recording aerial view. But we have also installed cameras on various places throughout the shooting location. Be mindful of what you do, there will most likely be a camera recording it." He gave each participant a chain necklace, "The pendant is a high-tech recording device combined with noise cancellation function. Any leftover background noise will be fixed by a number of technicians during the five to ten seconds delay between the shooting and the streaming."

He went on to explain there was no such thing as truly 'live' show, and the technicians and editors still had a lot of things to do to ensure everyone was portrayed with the utmost efficiency.

"Do we need to know all these?" An amused voice sounded, breaking the technician's proud explanation about the technicality of sound and picture. Rolan Kato lazily propped one hand on his knee, "All we need to know is to wear the necklace and be careful of what we say and do, right? We thank you, young man, but there is really no need to go in-depth on the background work of what you're supposed to do." His smile was light and his gaze teasing, depicting his usual lovely persona, but Kyle and Nathan could tell Rolan was really bored of the winded explanation. One could even hear the hint of sarcasm in his tone.

The technician's ears turned red from Rolan's nonchalant words. Mary piped in, "I... think it's pretty interesting, though?"

The technician flashed her a glance of gratitude while keeping a reminder to himself to choose the most unfavorable angles and recordings of Rolan Kato for the show. Rolan addressed him as 'young man', but the pretty looking man looked even younger than the technician despite being older. The technician despised that sort of man the most, all face but no tact, flaunting their arrogance and superiority everywhere.

Rolan Kato shrugged. Bubble, especially Maria Suez, wanted to get in everybody's good books, as was rightly should be. But would a veteran like Rolan Kato care about a junior teenage girl, especially one not of Starfield? Kyle and himself were at the show to support their juniors and colleagues first and foremost.

Nevertheless, the technician quickly wrapped up his explanation and left the gods and goddesses to chatter amongst themselves. The on-site managers also gave a sample of a drone and a camera; this was to give a heads-up to the celebrities. Whenever they were to sight such devices, they had to take care of their image while being true to the 'live' show nature - It was a pretty contradicting requirement.

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