3.5 || My Dream, Your Truth

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"Bow is under Starfield, right?" Nathan prompted.


Nathan gestured towards Kyle and Rolan, "The both of you are also Starfield's." Then he pointed towards himself, "I'm from BlazeEnt. Does Starfield not have enough actors to play as babysitters, that you guys are asking me to participate in the TV Show with those kids as well?"

It's not like he had too much time. If he had any spare time, he would rather sleep. Then again, that had become a luxury he could not afford lately either, as he had to play hide-and-seek with his pursuer even in the dreams.

"Oh, come on, Nate~," Rolan began to use his spoiled singsong tone, causing Nathan to have goosebumps all over. Although Rolan Kato was a few years older than him, his face was still as smooth and wrinkle-free. If it was directed towards Rolan's fans, they would think he was adorable, "For this TV program, I'm not confident with just Kyle, you know?"

Kyle showed an indignant look. Nathan squinted his eyes in trepidation, "Wait... what kind of TV program is this?"

"Survival kind of thing...," Kyle replied, "... I think. But I don't know the minor details."

Rolan added, "Look, there is a rumor that our next collaboration is an apocalypse survival type of drama or movie. The TV show is to ignite curiosity from the audience. It's a promotion."

Looking at how disinterested Nathan looked, Rolan added, "It's not only Bow. Bubble's girls will also participate." Seeing the blank look on Nathan's face, Rolan slowly asked, "You... know Bubble, right?"

Nathan shook his head. Rolan groaned, "The five girls idol group under the same media company who managed Gary! They are, like, the cutest things alive at the moment! The criteria for a girl to be a Bubble is for their boobs to exceed B cup, for their waist to be smaller than twenty-three inches, and for their height to be at least one hundred sixty five centimeters. Do you know how many hot-headed guys masturbate to their Bubble posters?"

"Do you masturbate to your Bubble poster?" Nathan asked. A cushion was thrown his way once again as a reply.

"Anyway," Kyle coughed, "Gareth Stuart is now one of the shareholders of Bloom Media. He's also competing against Starfield to put as many of Bubble's members as he can to be part of the TV drama's cast."

"Ah, so this TV show is almost like a casting process as well?" Nathan began to understand, "Wait... Gareth Stuart?"

"Yeah! Gary! If you're the young Movie King, he's the old Movie Emperor. Although he's no longer shooting movies, he's now more than rich enough to just let other people to wipe his ass. Rumor says he's involved with one of the Bubble's girls... ," Rolan rambled on.

Nathan had heard about Gary, but he never bothered to know more about the person who used to be very famous in the media circle.

From TV dramas, soap operas, to blockbuster movies, Gary had done it all. He was currently in his mid-thirties and could be said to have retired. From what Rolan had just said, he had become part of Bloom Media's management. But now, Nathan felt the whole thing was incredulous.

"Gareth Stuart... Gary Stu," he chuckled in amusement, "Don't tell me that Bubble girl who's rumored to be involved with him is named Mary Sue?"

Kyle blinked at him, "How do you know?"

Rolan frowned, "And you said you didn't know Bubble!? You sonnovabitch, you kept turning me down. Turns out, you have the hots for Maria Suez!"

Nathan King really had not heard about or known any Maria Suez. He made a mental note to never be acquainted with Gary Stu or Mary Sue in the future.

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