2.19 || The Prodigal Young Master

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Yang Liyuan and Yang Wenbao were proven to be two able leaders for the soldiers assigned to them. Even Zhou Yequan involved himself in coaching the archers to improve their aim by teaching them the way to read the wind. A slight gush of wind could stray an arrow path, and Zhou Yequan was more adept than everyone in taking advantage of the elements.

Yang Wenbao did not have any objection as well; it was best for Zhou Yequan to stay with the archers, away from the hand-to-hand combat. Between the cavalry, the horse soldiers, and the archers, distance put the archers in an advantageous position. Not only that, because a Royal Prince was in the army, there were also some imperial guards personally dispatched from the capital city to protect Zhou Yequan at all times.

Thus for several weeks, the two Yang brothers rode their horses and decapitated as many monsters as possible, even going as far as to make it a competition and tally the numbers up every end of the day. The soldiers, emboldened by their superiors' lax attitude in the battle, also joined in the fun and set up some bets.

Yang Wenbao had just separated a deformed land bear's head off its elephant sized body and casually flicked his blade to get rid of some of the monster's blood. The headless body had not even dropped to the ground, and Yang Wenbao had already proceeded to kill three, agile, horned wolves nearby.

Yang Liyuan, "..... ."

This younger brother of his used to be so useless and fat, but Yang Wenbao had changed way too much. Now that the good genes of the Yang family was showing in full force, the current Yang Wenbao could probably make Great Wei's entire young maiden population willingly enter his harem.

Look at the exposed skin from the torn robe, and the toned muscles lying beneath; look at the chiseled face that would not stop smiling, as though the ones Yang Wenbao was cutting up were not monsters that could send the average men to pee in their pants, but a bunch of radishes instead.

But this very eligible bachelor was bent. Yang Liyuan could not help but lament in his heart.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" A low voice was heard by Yang Liyuan's horse. The owner of the voice was a toned man; his face was obscured by his soldier's helmet, but his body was brimming with masculinity, much more formed than the run-of-the-mill Great Wei cavalry soldier.

Yang Liyuan ignored Wu Li who was donning an expression as sour as a jar of vinegar. The Northerner had always posed as one of Great Wei's soldiers so he could follow Yang Liyuan to battles.

Wu Li was not amused, and kept pestering his lover, "A-Yuan, if you were going to think about such things, perhaps be extra cautious to not let me hear it?"

Yang Liyuan finally understood that he had actually mumbled his inner-thoughts out loud, instead of letting them circulate inside his skull. And because Wu Li was practically his shadow, of course that person with devil-hearing could hear what Yang Liyuan had said. Yang Liyuan threw him a look of disgust, "Is it wrong to be proud of my own brother?"

The wife-con Wu Li, noticed the unhappy expression of his lover, and immediately boot-licked, "No... no, of course not. Wenbao is indeed very able and handsome. As expected of my darling's blood brother." Wu Li urged his horse to maintain Yang Liyuan's steed's pace, "I mean, if Wenbao were not the same type as I am, I'd be more than happy to have you two gorgeous Yangs to warm my bed... ."

As a result, Wu Li's horse was immediately pelted by Yang Liyuan, causing the beast to carry its foul-mouthed rider far ahead towards another incoming horde of desert wolves. As Wu Li jumped off the horse and proceeded to kill the wolves, Yang Liyuan could still hear the boisterous man laughing, "A-Yuan, I was joking! I'd never share my bed with anyone else but you!!"

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