3.15 || My Dream, Your Truth

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A group of people congregated in front of a large studio building. A makeshift altar had been set up; the long table held various fresh fruits, confectionery items, and a few cooked dishes. In the middle of the table, was a large copper cauldron filled with ash. A number of prayer incenses had been lit and arranged inside, undoubtedly previously set by the people present.

In front of this table, stood a pair of man and woman. The man took a piece of incense stick and let the woman light the tip with a lighter. He nodded lightly at her, his lips were pulled in an indulgent smile. He then proceeded to stick the lit incense into a prepared copper cauldron full of ash.

After that, it was the woman's turn to let the man light her incense stick. She looked up at him as he bowed his head slightly, her gaze was soft and full of affection. She stuck her lit incense to the side of the man's inside the cauldron. The wafting smoke of both incenses furled upwards, before condensing into one, as though the pair's wishes were both accepted by the gods residing in the heavens.

Their back silhouettes were incredibly charming, the woman was obviously a head shorter than the man, but their shadows on the ground melded as though they were one person.

Silent sighs of admiration escaped the others' lips.

MC Bon whispered at the man standing to his side, "I have heard the owners of Heavenly Deity is a loving couple in their forties. Look at the way he looks at her, and her at him. It's like they have no other person in their eyes. No wonder the heaven is touched. Look at their incenses, and look at the others. Only the smoke from their incenses are steadily heading skyward."

Nathan King listened to MC Bon's awe and scoffed in his heart, "These two are gods. Of course the heavens won't reject their incenses. This is blatant occupational nepotism!"

The pair of man and woman was precisely Lei and Yulan, who had once again, decided that heaven was probably not effort-demanding and tiring enough. Despite how noble-sounding Yulan had sounded on her phone call, Nathan could not imagine any other reason of their visit apart from playing.

The two had masqueraded themselves as owners/directors of the biggest entertainment company, Heavenly Deity, from Jin country. Even the ceremony today was done in accordance to their country's customs, to wish for blessing and luck for the shooting ahead. It was the custom for this world's Jin country, and was a similar custom usually done in modern China.

At long last, they were about to start filming for the movie project. After a few weeks, Heavenly Deity and Starfield, BlazeEnt, and Bloom Media collectively reached an agreement to let this ambitious project finally proceed. Because Heavenly Deity expressed their willingness to inject the largest amount of financial investment and resources, the other three companies gave them free reign to decide on the script of the movie, as long as their most precious artists were to be cast in it.

Cherry whispered to her group mates, "I can't believe they are more than forty years old."

Nathan, "They are actually more than that. If you chewed their meat, it would be tougher than a dried shoe sole." Then he was reminded his memories had gone through three different lifetimes, probably making his meat as tough as a dried shoe sole as well.

Mila also whispered, "And their skin! Look at their baby smooth skin! What kind of foundation cream does Mrs. Tian use?"

Nathan, "These girls failed to see Lei's face is as smooth as a baby's buttock as well. Besides, their supposedly-forty-years-old skin is heaven grade. Of course these guys won't purposely choose to have an ugly body!"

Mary chimed in, "Mr. Tian's skin is also very good. But it seems a bit too smooth and pale for a man's. I... prefer Senior Nathan's kind."

Nathan almost tripped on his own shoes, even while he was standing still.

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