3.2 || My Dream, Your Truth

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Nathan King could be called as one of K country's hottest actors. But his background was surprisingly humble.

He was an orphan. One of his current managers was also his distant cousin, Cynthia Tan. Even their surnames were different and there would always be some who doubted their familial ties. They were also similar in age, her only a couple of years older than him. In fact, this used to be a problem to his fans.

Cynthia used to be one of his make-up artists. Although she could not be called pretty, she had always looked after herself. After all, who would know best about skin care and make-up than a make-up artist? Therefore, some of the more intense ones from Nathan King's fan-base created an issue out of nowhere and demanded for Cynthia to resign as his make-up artist.

Nathan King's fan-base was aptly named 'Consorts'. There were now more than sixty million official Consorts all around the world and most of them had grown along as his career progressed. However, even at twenty five, Nathan could still charm the hearts of maidens as young as six or seven and grandmothers in their seventies.

Back then, some Consorts demanded for Nathan King to just have male make-up artists instead of females. For a predominantly female fan-base, none of the young women wanted to see another female touching their King's face day in and out. Even the already-somewhat-famous make-up artist back then, Linda , did not escape their wrath. Cynthia's and Linda's Nodes were attacked by jealous Consorts by the time Nathan King's second TV drama was published.

Then the Consorts were gradually enlightened through their King's dramas and movies, growing sympathetic to his on-screen characters. 

In the TV drama 'Cancerous Love', Nathan King was 'Han', a second male lead who lost his fight in love to the main male lead, 'Trent'. Trent, who obtained the female lead, 'Kae's love because he had cancer, could finally marry Kae, only to die three months after their marriage consummation.

[Kae found out she was pregnant during the days she was still devastated after Trent's death. Han kept his comforting gentle smile during Kae's bereavement, urged her to live on for the sake of her and Trent's child, and even became Kae's child's godfather. However, he never obtained her heart.

In front of Kae, he only cried one time, that day when Kae decided she loved Trent and not Han. At the time, he said, "If you leave me, I'm the one who will die."

As part of the movie's epilogue, Kae's and Trent's son finally grew up and became independent. Taylor was confidently handsome like his father and kind like his mother.

Kae, who had hidden her deteriorating physique for the past years in order to not let Taylor worry, was finally admitted to intensive care. Han kept his gentle smile as he held Kae's bony hands.

Who would have known, Kae also contracted cancer in her later years. Kae's breaths were ragged, "I regret nothing though. I have my son and you by my side all these years."

Kae's words to Han, before her squeezing fingers grew weak in his palms was, "I am so fortunate to have you. I am sorry, Han. You are now free. Don't grieve for me, I am a wretched woman who has been using your feelings."

At this point in time, Han was only in his forties and could be said to still be in the prime of his life.

When the ECG machine let out a long muted beep and showed a continuous flat line, Han let out his tears for the second time, but the person he was crying for was no longer in this world. Han kissed Kae's forehead and whispered, "Haven't I told you? If you leave me, I'm the one who will die."

And Han did die in the end, merely a couple of days after, due to heart failure. The official ending of "Cancerous Love" showed Taylor paying his respect in front of three graves. Two of them were relatively new, belonging to his mother and his godfather. The other one belonged to Taylor's biological father, Trent, who he had never seen since birth.

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