2.22 || The Prodigal Young Master

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The barbarians did not immediately disperse upon their leader's death. They were worthy of being survivors in the ruthless desert. If anything, they became angrier and immediately broke the remaining cages holding the monsters inside.

Yang Wenbao expressionlessly ordered his men, "Kill the human-barbarians only!"

Previously, in the midst of his anger, he had briefly let go of Lieutenant Yang. At the moment, he did not want to entertain his so-called uncle anymore. More over, the lieutenant did not have any qualms in attacking the soldiers of Great Wei. Even the lieutenant's men seemed to be solely devoted to their leader, wantonly attacking Yang Wenbao's men.

Yang Wenbao spent a brief moment to decide whether he should kill this lieutenant first, or take care of the Daemons.

He smiled coldly. He decided he did not care to cut some years off his current lifespan. He only wished he would still have ample time to live together with Zhou Yequan.

The man who claimed to be Yang Liyuan's father, must not live beyond this day. And Yang Wenbao assured he would give this uncle a good show before the latter's death.

Yang Wenbao let his inner-constraint unshackle as he let the surge of power run through his veins, inching to the very tips of his fingers. He was surprised as well to feel the fiery warmth, as though every drop of his blood had been replaced by pure energy. The power was much stronger than when he had faced Roan Scifa.

For everyone else, they could not continue their fight against their enemies. The flash of light was too blinding and abrupt, and the blanket of whiteness took over everyone's sense of sight. Barbarians and Great Wei soldiers, friends or foes; their blood trembled, their deepest primal instinct trembled as they heard a roar of a beast from up above.

As the white light gradually became hazy fog and everyone could make out the silhouette of a tangible form in the sky, they saw Yang Wenbao hovering a couple of meters off the ground, his arms spread out in trance.

Above him, a purple and golden-scaled dragon was the only other thing clearly seen. Its shadow encompassed the fort and its surroundings, sending even the Daemons stunned and quaking in fear.

Even Yang Wenbao would not know, this was just the tip of the iceberg of Tian Lei's power channeled through the Sky Dragon. Yang Wenbao had been given special authority by the Sky Deity himself, making him the master of its power, for as much as Yang Wenbao could bear. As long as Yang Wenbao willed for it, his soul was the channel where the power could materialize in the realm Yang Wenbao was living in. Thus, as his soul had grown stronger compared to his last life as JamJam, the power that could be unleashed was naturally much more powerful.

To put it simply, if his soul was a path and the Sky Dragon's power was akin to water, his current soul was like a big pipe where this water could travel more freely, unlike in his last life where his soul was just a tiny and narrow straw. Too much water would inadvertently break the channel.

As the bright light subsided and the dragon's figure slowly turned transparent, Yang Wenbao's body began to descend. As soon as he stepped on the ground, his initial entranced expression emitted ruthlessness.

Lieutenant Yang only blinked his dry eyes for a split second after he saw a chilly smile on Yang Wenbao's face. Yet, as soon as he opened them again, he felt as though he was dreaming.

One Yang Wenbao, in a blink of an eye, had killed at least ten more barbarians, sending the earth awash with blood. The monsters that the barbarians had cultivated, the very ones they had intended to unleash upon Great Wei soldiers, had turned to black dust.

Only Yang Wenbao fully understood that the Sky Dragon's power had caused this. The tiny particles of the Daemons' remains danced in the air, carrying a sense of melancholy and misery of what used to be humans and animals alike.

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