3.1 || My Dream, Your Truth

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"Ren, wake up!" Someone shook his shoulders, pulling him steadily away from his dream. Renault Shaw slowly opened his eyes and promptly gave a sharp glare towards the disturber of his slumber.

A teenage boy, with fair complexion and thin stature looked down at him in mock admonishment, "Ren, you're oldest of all of us but you sleep the most!"

Renault - Ren - Shaw wiped the corner of his eyes with his wrists, groaning lightly in displeasure. His vulnerable and somewhat spoiled state could only be seen by his team members, four adolescent teenagers all standing in front of him in amusement. After blinking his eyes a few times, gathering the scattered memories from his dream, a displeased voice of a woman trailed into his ears, "Now you finally wake up! Your brothers have all done their make up. It's only you left!"

Ren let himself be dragged in front of an illuminated mirror, looking into his own reflection.

Pale youthful face, sharp jaw, high cheekbones, large dark eyes with slightly slanted corners. The contour of his face was distinguished, if not accentuating his sylph-like lines. However, the softness of his youth melded well with his thin features.

His hair had been dyed in ombre color, carrying varying shades of brown and silver. All of his younger 'brothers', the idol group 'Bow' or 'Beau', also sported ombre-dyed hair of other colors, from dark purple to pinkish hues.

Ren Shaw, as the leader and the rapper of the group, was the oldest of all five at nineteen. The youngest of the group, 'Baby' Elly, was in his last year of high school. The rest of the members were of varying age in between seventeen and nineteen.

Linda, the make-up artist assigned to primp the boys up for their music performance, bit onto the end handle of her make-up brush while darkening Ren's brows with her nimble fingers. Her muffled voice could still be considered legible as the boys crowded inside the change room, play-fighting amongst each other, "You are the second artist I know who keeps sneaking sleep whenever they can."

Keichi - 'Ichi' - Sakae ruffled Elly's peach-silver colored hair subtly while flashing his row of white teeth. He was tall and boyishly handsome, the main visual and vocalist of the group. He laughed at Linda's words, "Who else is the sleeping beauty like our eldest here?"

Linda looked his way and visibly snarled at Ichi's handiwork in messying up Elly's soft fluffy hair, "I've spent so much time styling Elly's hair! Arghh!! What have you done!?"

Ichi put both of his hands up in surrender sign, and Linda grumbled while trying to fix Elly's hair.

Ren smiled at Linda's angry howl. Despite how cranky she always was, she was like an older sister to all of them, and would never get angry for real. Ever since they debuted slightly more than a year ago and received favorable ratings in various music shows lately, they always chose Linda as their main make-up artist.

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