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Know that there will be a day
When everyone's treated the same
It's the only way it's gotta be

IT HAS been almost a week. The five of us, despite the little arguments we had, got along fairly well. Mal loosened up, thanks to Evie's constant reminders to relax. Evie was like the glue of the group, always the one to make sure any conflicts are solved. Jay was as obnoxious as ever, but at least he stopped looming over us. It was also very interesting to see him and Lonnie together, though he denies he has feelings for her. Carlos was slowly leaving his shell. I've told Mal and Evie about the conversation we had the other day in front of the museum. And we all made a mental note to keep our volume down and be extra cautious around him.

It was surprising. I always thought I was too different and isolated to be friends with anyone, especially my age. But I guess these four proved otherwise.

One thing I'm still- and don't think I ever will be used to, is school.

"Your textbook, Brae." Evie said, rummaging through my backpack and pulling out a heavy book, "This is a textbook."

I gave her a meek look. "You know I'm still not used to this." I told her for the billionth time this week.

"I know." Evie said, tidying up my desk for me, "I'll help you, don't worry."

I smiled at her, then sat down on my chair. It took a second to adjust my knife strapped to my leg to a more comfortable position.

Evie noticed and leaned closer. "You brought your knife?" She whispered, her eyes signaled panic.

I nodded.

"Braelyn!" She hissed. Oh boy, she used my full name. "We're in school!"

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. They're not gonna allow it anywhere on Auradon anyways."

"Exactly." Evie said, sitting down in the seat next to me, but keeping our distance small so no one hears, "Trust me, Brae. School kids aren't the best people to be surrounded with, especially when you have something like that. If one of them finds out, I can guarantee you we'd be told on."

"Okay, okay." I said, "I get it. But Evie-"

The blue haired girl raised a finger to my lips. "No buts. I'm sorry. It's just so ridiculous that no one gave you the opportunity to go to school, even when we were back on the Isle. I want to make sure you have a good time." She placed her hands on her hips, "Cause I did not have a good time."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, then gave her a playful look, "You're acting like Mal when we first got here."

Evie was about to respond, when our chemistry teacher came in, followed by a late Doug, who rushed to his seat.

"Where were you?" The blonde kid next to him asked.

"Didn't want to wake up." Doug explained, his manner showing that he did not want to talk to him.

Evie tapped my shoulder. "Look at that kid." She said, eyeing the boy next to Doug attentively, "He looks cute."

"Pfff." I laughed a little, "Evie, if you're trying to start boy talk, I'm the wrong person."

"I wonder if he's part of a royal bloodline." Evie sighed dreamily.

"Alright!" Our teacher said, thumping his stack of books on his desk, "We have a lab today. Get in your groups."

I gathered the right materials- at least I hope I did, and headed over to the lab table I shared with Evie and Doug.

"Hey, Doug." Evie said, as the teacher started his lecture, "Who's the guy who talked to you just now?"

Doug leaned to his right to see exactly where she was pointing. "Oh." He seemed a little disappointed, "That's Chad, you know, Cinderella's son."

Evie clearly looked impressed. "He's in line for a throne?" She said excitedly.

"Hey, uh guys!" The teacher waved exaggeratedly at us, "Can you please stop talking? It's getting very distracting." He was not happy they put VKs in his class this year.

"Sorry!" I said extra sweetly. And as soon as he had his back turned back to the board, I rolled my eyes and turned to Evie and Doug, my manner shifting, "You guys need to help me. I understand nothing."

"Don't worry." Doug said, before turning to Evie, who was staring straight at Chad and daydreaming, "Snap out of it, Evie."

She responded little, sighing and going back to gazing at Chad.

"Evie." The teacher said, snapping her back into reality, he smacked the chalk on the board, "Finish this question."

Evie stood up and slowly made her way to the front of the class, looking back at us. I gave her a thumbs up, mostly because I had no idea how to help her.

She took the chalk from the teacher's hand, and stared at the problem on board. Her hand traveled into her pocket and I realized she was about to reach for her magic mirror. Evie paused, then bit her lip. I expected her to pull out her magic mirror for answers, but to my surprise she took her hand back out and started scribbling. Within a thirty seconds, the solution was written neatly on the board. I think the teacher looked the most surprised out of all of us.

"It's a mistake to underestimate a villain." Evie told him, a little smirk on her lips.

Dang. You tell em.

Evie smiled pleasantly, then walked back towards us.

Halfway through she was stopped by Chad, who held a piece of folded paper in front of her and mouthed something. Evie lit up, took the paper, and hurried back to us.

"What was that?" I said, looking over her shoulder as she opened the slip of paper.

Under the bleachers after school.

"Evie!" Doug whispered, "How did you do that?"

She looked up. "Do what?"

"That problem." Doug said, "Even I don't get how to do it."

Evie grinned at him, and the tips of Doug's ears turned red.

The class ended soon, and Evie and I ended up out in the hallway, making our way to the locker we had to share.

"So? Are you meeting Chad?" I asked her.

"Of course!" She exclaimed, holding her binder tightly to her chest, "I can't wait."

I crossed my arms playfully. "If you ever need someone to beat him up, I am always available."

Evie laughed. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." She said, "Are you gonna head back to our room?"

I shook my head. "I told Carlos I'd go see him after class. You know, to see how his technological brain is doing."

We reached our locker, and I unlocked it since Evie's hands were full.

"You and Carlos, huh?" Evie teased.

"Dating? Gross." I said, taking the stuff out of her hands and placing it inside the locker, "I'm just checking on how his hacking is going."

Evie's expression drooped a little. "I'm still not so sure about this."

I turned to her and shrugged. "I honestly didn't even think much about our plan until Carlos brought it up this morning at breakfast."

"I think Mal just wants to get back home." Evie said, closing the locker, "But if I had to be honest, I really don't know why. Auradon might be little too princessy, but everything here is so much better than the Isle."

"Speaking of princesses." I said, pointing behind her, "I think someone wants to see you."

Evie turned around and saw Chad walking towards the field bleachers.

"Oh!" She started hurrying away, "Thanks Brae. See you later!"

"Yeah!" I called back.

Were You Expecting Flowers? ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora