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Okay, baby, you'll be okay
You just gotta keep, gotta keep on
You just gotta keep on
Rolling even on the bad days

WE DIDN'T get a chance to see the Fairy Godmother until today, which also means she had not seen the five of us either.

I don't think anyone had informed her of how bad of a state we were in- she looked mildly horrified when we walked in.

"Bibbidi bobbidi..." She gasped, hurrying over to us before we even reached our seats, "What in Merryweather happened to you all?"

"Our parents happened." Jay answered, surprised she didn't know as she started inspecting the swollen bruises on the side of Carlos' face.

Fairy Godmother shook her head in disbelief, than looked back at us. "We're not having class today. I got beanbags and chocolate milk at the front. We can... as I believe you would say- chill."

I exchanged an amused glance with Evie and we went to the front of the room. There were indeed beanbags and chocolate milk, not to mention the marshmallows. What was the meaning of this?

As if she read my mind, Fairy Godmother said "I wanted you guys to relax for a bit after everything that happened over the weekend... but I see it was worse than I thought." She motioned towards the beanbags. "Sit down. There's no need to be shy."

Evie smiled sweetly, then proceeded to sink herself in the blue one. I joined her. Fairy Godmother started passing around glasses of chocolate milk.

"I want to ask you guys about what your parents did to you." She said softly once everyone was settled in, "If that's okay with you."

I sipped my drink, not wanting to be questioned first. The topic was not a light one.

"Tell me about Maleficent." Fairy Godmother prompted.

Mal, who felt like she was the only one who could fully answer, spoke up. "She's powerful. The border is supposed to prevent any trace of magic, but her magic is only limited by it." She paused, looking away and putting her glass down, "She uses it on me sometimes."

"How?" Fairy Godmother asked.

The subject seemed too serious to be complimented with chocolate milk and marshmallows.

"She... she puts stuff in my head." Mal explained, "I'd hear her voice in my head all the time, or sometimes it becomes this loud sharp shrieking." She shuddered ever so lightly. "It hurts."

I had the urge to hold her, but she was seated far away.

"Sometimes it would be images." Mal continued, "Illusions. She'd make me see things that aren't actually there. It got to the point where I couldn't even tell what's real and what's not."

"And you live in constant fear of it." Fairy Godmother murmured in understanding. Mal nodded, falling silent. "How about the Evil Queen?"

Evie flinched next to me and I started holding her hand as reassurance.

"Demanding." The blue haired girl said.

"In what way, sweetie?"

She looked up, a hint of anger in her eyes. "All she cares about is marrying someone rich." Her voice changed to mock her mom. "Straighten your hair, girl. Speak softer, girl. Wear high heels, girl. Walk more elegantly, girl."

The irritation in her voice burned.

"Stupid high expectations of how she thinks 'ladies' should act." Evie teared up a little, "She'd hit or push me for something as simple as a bad posture."

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