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I will fight, I will fight for you
I always do until my heart is black and blue
And I will stay, I will stay with you
We'll make it to the other side
Like lovers do

I WAS nauseous, dizzy, sick.

I felt terrible, useless, weak.

Locked inside the small dressing room, I felt my last strand of hope slip through my fingers. I couldn't help but think of what Cruella could be doing to Carlos right now. My thoughts were jumbled, my body ached with worry. I didn't know where any of my friends were. There was no sound to indicate what was happening outside the small, dark space.

One month ago, I was free.

I was in control.

I was- I dare to say, happy. Or at least content.

I couldn't help but grow angry at myself. How foolish I was to believe that my life would stay the same after all this. Tears have been running down my face for the past few hours. My fists were clenched, my legs were sore from sitting for so long. But I dared not to move- afraid of the bear traps that had once almost ended Carlos' life.

I started going insane- desperate to have something to distract me from the pricking pain on my face. Anything at all.

Suddenly, I saw a shadow block the light that peeked from under the door and heard the jingle of keys. When the door opened, I was temporarily blinded. It was Cruella, forcing Carlos in. The gasp that left my mouth was from the sight of the boy, who collapsed on the floor. The villain quickly slammed the door shut, making me jump. It was dark, but somehow it was enough to see the redness on his face, and the blood on his lip. He was in such a bad condition.

"Carlos-" I choked, "What- what did she-"

The white haired boy looked up at me with a weary smile, but you could see the pain behind his eyes. He slowly sat himself up, suppressing his groans.

"I'm okay." He whispered, glancing around the room, "Hm, that's weird. I don't see the bear traps. She must've removed them. That's good."

How could he even try to make light of our situation?

I broke into fresh sobs, wrapping my arms around myself, unable to even take another look at him. He was hurt, and I wasn't there when it happened.

"H-hey." I felt him scoot closer to me. "Don't worry. She won't come back. She's usually off running errands after sunset..." He grew even more concerned when I didn't answer. "Brae?" Again, I didn't move.

Carlos sighed. "You're okay now..."

"But you're not, Carlos!" I said, finally meeting his eyes, "Don't pretend you are."

Taken back, his voice became uneven. "It- it wasn't too bad, Brae."

"Stop it." I hissed at him, "Stop pretending you're okay. Just- Look at you!"

Bruises were already forming on the side of his face and on his arms. The fact that he was acting like it was nothing out of the ordinary bothered me, ignited a fire in my chest. Hot tears steamed out of my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt his hands land lightly on my face.

"Listen." Carlos whispered as I stared at him wide eyed, "My own mom threatened to kill you. It was the least I could do to keep you safe. The others probably had it worse. I promise you, I'm okay."

He gently turned my face to the right, catching sight of the deep gash on my face.

He grimaced. "Watching Maleficent do this to you was worse than any beating I've ever received."

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