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Out of sight don't mean out of mind
Not in your space, but you're still in mine
Hope you don't think I could leave you like that

A VOID opened inside me and I felt numb with pain and fear.

The looks people gave me burned into my skull, so I learned to keep my head down, not meeting the disappointment in their eyes. But some weren't disappointed at all. In fact, they acted like a point as been proven.

"You should've had it coming." Someone yelled as we walked by. Who the words were directed to... I wasn't sure.

My hands were shackled. It was not the first time I've came in contact with chains, but these hurt more than usual. I did not feel safe anymore, not even with my knife strapped under my trousers.

Mal was a mess, which shocked me. I have never seen her so broken and confused. Each sob made my insides turn, but I did not feel remorseful or angry. Carlos was shaking a lot- so violently that they had to calm him down before escorting us to the castle. For some reason, he kept his eyes on me. I could feel his gaze on my back, but I didn't have the will to look at him. I didn't want to see his face, cause I knew I would break if I did. Jay stood the tallest. He didn't drag himself along the path, instead he carried himself as if he was not intimidated at all.

I was not familiar with the room we entered, since I've never stepped foot inside the castle before. There were four people waiting in the room when we walked in. Beast cleared his throat. The King was not happy, and neither was his wife, Belle, who's small figure stood next to him. I wondered if they were shook out of bed to deal with us.

Ben and the Fairy Godmother stood a few feet away from the King and Queen.

The four of us were lined up in front of them, hands behind our backs. A minute passed. Everyone was silent with disbelief. I expected a burst of rage, but instead we were met with the look on Ben's face. It killed me.

"Why?" His voice was raw, his thoughts untidy, "I... I don't understand."

Carlos inhaled sharply, drawing unwanted attention. No one had the guts to speak. Ben rubbed his face. His jaw moved, like it was trying to form the right words, but failing.

"I-" He sighed, taking a step forward, "Do you know why I wanted you guys to come? I thought- I thought it was the right choice, to give the second generation on the Isle a chance to prove themselves." He was angry, disoriented, in disbelief. "I get that you guys didn't grow up in the best conditions, but... this? I trusted you."

Fairy Godmother placed a hand on the prince's shoulder, as if silencing him, then spoke. "I have to be honest, children. I too am very heartbroken by this."

Something inside me screamed to speak. But my lips were glued shut.

Someone beat me too it.

"Wait! Listen..." Mal said.

Ben turned to her, a small hopeful gleam in his eyes. But before he could say anything, Beast cut him off.

"Listen to what?" He roared, "What do you have to say that justifies your crime?" He turned to his son. "This is exactly what I was afraid of, son."

"Oh, let her speak!" Ben narked back at his dad.

"It was my fault." Mal started again.

"Mal-" I said to her, but her glare silenced me.

The purple haired girl continued, fighting the tears in her eyes. "I was the one who broke curfew. I was the one who broke into the museum. The others only came to stop me."

Were You Expecting Flowers? ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora