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No more, no division we down
New team, got the vision, unite
So we stand, now we living marching

THE BATHROOMS here smell like lavender. It's wonderful. I can't stress this enough. The closest thing we had to a 'bathroom' on the Isle was barely even a bathroom.

A girl stood by the sink when I got in. It was Jane, and I was not ready. She turned around and saw me, looking startled.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"H-hi?" Her voice involuntarily went up.

"Is... uh, everything okay?" I asked cautiously, trying to fill up the uncomfortable silence, "I mean, you seem really scared."

She looked confused, then blabbered "What? No?".

"If this is about what happened this morning, don't worry about it." I told her, awkwardly placing my hands behind my back, "I mean- we could tell that Audrey kinda forced you into it."

Jane closed her eyes, a touch relieved. "I have nothing against you guys I swear. I'm not exactly talkative... and Audrey really likes picking on me..." She said shyly.

"Gosh I'm sorry." I replied sincerely.

There was a moment of silence before Jane blurted out of no where "You got great hair."

"Thanks." I smiled, "So do you."

Jane frowned. "No I don't. It's all flat and boring."

Thinking hard, I licked my lips. "Maybe Evie can help you with that." I suggested, "She's amazing at that kind of stuff."

Jane smiled a little, playing with a strand of hair that had escaped from behind her ear. "You think she'd be willing to?"

"I don't see why not." I answered, "I can ask her for you if you want."

"Thanks." She said. Her smile was less tense and more genuine now. "I- I never really caught your name..."


"Brae." Jane repeated, like she was physically implanting it into her brain, "I think I can remember that."

"Cool. Well..." I pointed awkwardly at the stalls, "I better..."

"Oh- yeah, right." Jane laughed, stepping out of my way, "Um, go on ahead."

I laughed. "See you around."


It was a short conversation, but I was glad that we had talked. She seemed so much nicer and timid than I thought. I wonder how many people Audrey picks on.

We spent the rest of the morning 'chillin' in beanbags, carrying a much lighter conversation with Fairy Godmother. It felt so refreshing to see the genuineness in her eyes and her smile as she listened closely to our stories. It was hard to find true, real emotions in a time like this.

"I wish you all a good day." The Fairy Godmother called to us before we left for lunch.

Once we were out in the hallways, I grabbed Evie's arm, almost dropping my bag. "I bumped into Jane in the bathroom." I told her, "She wants a makeover for her hair and-"

"And I'm the perfect person for it." Evie grinned, "I'm flattered, Brae."

I laughed. "I'm guessing that's a yes?"

"Of course."

I looked around the corridors to see if I could spot the girl, but I guess she wasn't around for me to deliver the news. Mal was in front of us, her purple hair catching people's attention. Carlos and Jay were laughing at something, Jay giving Carlos a friendly shove that would've sent him to another continent if he were to be any stronger.

The line in the cafeteria was long and it was probably my least favorite part of schooldays. The people were obnoxiously loud. Carlos handed me a tray since everyone was in the way.


"I heard you talking to Evie." He said, almost shouting over everyone else, "So is Jane cool with us?"

"Yup." I answered, giving him a thumbs up.

There was something in that carefree grin that made me feel all bubbly-

"That's great." Carlos continued.

"Hey guys!" Lonnie appeared behind Evie, giving her a hug from the side.

"Hey." Mal said, "We just got out of goodness class."

Lonnie grabbed hold of a tray and moved according to line. "Sounds a lot less boring than music class." She commented, "Jay, you coming to practice after school?"

"I'll try." The dark haired boy answered, "But I got a bunch of homework to catch up on."

"Just text me and let me know."


"Anyways." Lonnie continued. She was very talkative and energetic. "Where do you guys sit?"

"Outside." Evie told her, "It's too loud in here."

"May I join? I know Doug wants to too."

There was a fresh new layer of redness on Evie's cheeks. "Sure. We won't mind."

"I'm literally right here." Said Doug, who was hidden behind Lonnie. We all laughed when he peeked out.

There was a sweet moment when Evie and Doug smiled at each other.

"Audrey better not show up." Mal muttered.


Sorry this chapter isn't THAT interesting but hope you enjoyed it anyways haha it'll get better I promise

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