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And nothing can stay the same
It's growing pains
Be proud of all the scars
They make you who you are

THE 'NURSE' Lonnie promised was more like a whole dang clinic. No one told me Auradon had a medical wing. The five of us were transported there as soon as we reached Auradon. Ben and Lonnie had to leave, but promised to stop by later in the day.

"Hey." Jay said, looking like he just snapped out of his thoughts when I walked back to the waiting area, "How'd it go?"

"It was quick- I only have a cut and an empty stomach." I answered, earning myself a hearty laugh from him, "They're still examining Evie and Carlos though."

People in white or blue walked past the two of us, rolling trollies or carrying clipboards. Occasionally I'd catch one of them glancing at us curiously, but at this point I was already used to it. I felt much cleaner in this environment compared to Cruella's dressing room. I shudder thinking about it.

"Does it hurt?" The dark haired boy asked.


"That huge gash on your face."

"Oh." I reached up and touched it, "A little, cause they cleaned it with alcohol and it stings, but I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll probably leave a scar though."

Truth is, the memory hurts more than the actual stinging.

Jay nodded, directing his gaze in front of him. "Don't worry about the scars. They're part of you." He told me.

I sat down next to him, paying attention to what he just said.

"Did Jafar hit you much?" I asked him cautiously.

His face scrunched up. "He... he doesn't hit me." He replied indirectly.


Jay sighed, then turned back to me. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"I care, Jay." I answered honestly, "Of course I want to know, but only if you're okay with it."

He smiled at me, then reached behind him and pulled up the back of his shirt and leather jacket. It took me everything to stop myself from gasping too loudly and drawing attention.

On his back was a mass of cuts. Some were fresh wounds, while some were close to becoming scars. The cut on my face was nothing compared to his. It was gruesome, I could almost feel the agony. It made me wonder how many times Jafar had done this to him, even before we met. And furthermore made me feel both terrible and grateful for the past life I had by myself on the streets.

He pulled the hem back down, but I knew the image would forever be stuck in my head. At that moment, there was an unspoken trust that was built between us.

"That's horrible, Jay." I whispered.

He shrugged. "He doesn't believe in showing weakness, so he always hurts me in places I can cover up, so no one would see it. Therefore, well... whipping."

"Have you ever had someone check-?"

He shook his head. "I don't think anyone on the Isle is qualified to be anything close to a doctor." He said bluntly. And he wasn't wrong. "I've thought about hiding it for the rest of my life. But..."

"They're part of you." I finished for him.

"Yes they are." He smiled.

I touched the cut on my cheek again, lightly tracing it. The fear had began to melt away. And I understood- Jay lived his life thinking that being strong means hiding flaws.

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