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Never gonna put a spell on me
Never ever gonna bring me back
Never gonna make me be
Somethin' I'm not because I'm evil

When I opened my eyes again, it was dead at night. I rolled over to my side and grabbed hold of the phone Ben gave me a couple days back to keep in contact.


Both Jay and Carlos had texted me a few hours before, showing their concern. I smiled, responding with Don't worry, I'm okay. It felt good to be cared for. I pushed myself up. My head felt clearer, sharper. I looked down and realized I was still in my outdoor clothes. Giggling a little, I got up to change into my nightgown. The air was cold.

I peered over at Evie and Mal's side of the room. Evie was sound asleep, curled up comfortably. And Mal-

I blinked to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

I wasn't. Mal's bed was empty. My heart started beating. Where was she?

I tip toed over to the bathroom. There was no sign of Mal. Her bed was perfectly made, hinting that it was never even laid in. Questions spun around in my head.

"Evie?" I said, gently tapping her shoulder.

The blue haired girl didn't even stir, and I grew even more worried. I started shaking her a little. It was like she had gone limp.

"Evie? Wake up." I demanded.

But instead of opening her eyes, she winced like she was in pain, and shifted to her left. I touched her forehead. It was cold.

Something demanded an explanation.

I stood upright, quite still for a few seconds. I quickly tucked Evie in with her blanket, then I went and grabbed my coat and my phone. Mal was obviously not here, and I'm gonna find her. I felt for my knife, the same one I've depended on whenever I needed it.

The rush of adrenaline was familiar, and suddenly I felt like I was on the Isle again.

I slipped out the door, closing it behind me as quietly as possible, considering the squeak it made. The hallways was dead silent, the moonlight from the large windows was the only light source. At this point, I didn't even want to care about curfew. I sneaked my way out of the dorm, surprised no one was around to regulate it.

The air felt even colder outside, which was strange, cause I've lived my whole life outdoors in a house of rags- I'm supposed to be used to it. I started roaming around, extremely aware of my surroundings.

Suddenly, my phone made a dinging sound. I learnt two days ago it meant I have a message. Hiding behind a pillar, I reached for my phone.

It was Carlos.

Carlos: Why are you up?

It didn't occur to me that I had texted both him and Jay at 4 in the morning before leaving on my 'mission'. Should I tell him what happened? I couldn't decide if being alone or having company was better. But then again, would he even want to come with me?

Hesitant, I replied.

Brae: Why are YOU up?

Carlos: I couldn't sleep

I smiled a little. I trust this guy.

I'm outside looking for Mal, I told him.

Carlos: You WHAT

Brae: Mal's gone, and something is wrong with Evie

Carlos: Huh? Where are you??

Brae: Near the cafeteria

Were You Expecting Flowers? ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora