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I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

THE KING turned to his son, "Go on."

Ben looked tired. "Last night, I ended my relationship with Audrey. She got upset and intruded into Mal, Evie and Braelyn's room." It was obvious in his bored tone that he had repeated this at least a dozen times. "There was a small and harmless fight. And before we knew it, she ran off. And- well now we know, she never returned to her dorm."

"I think you left out some details." The King retorted.

Ben gave his dad a look, then dragged on. "I ended my relationship with Audrey because I wanted a relationship with Mal. I believe Audrey took it to offense."

The King turned to us. "Is this true?"

The question felt like it was particularly aimed at Mal, who mustered up the courage to reply. "Yes, it is true."

I caught sight of Fairy Godmother and Belle, partially hidden behind the Beast's big ego. They looked concerned.

"Do you want a relationship with my son?" The King asked.

"Dad." Ben stepped in front of him, "Is that seriously what we should be focusing on now?" His tone was disgusted.

"It's okay, Ben." Mal spoke up, voice small, before looking at the King in the eyes, "Yes, I do, your majesty."

Ben turned to her, a fraction of pride and joy on his face.

I couldn't tell if the King was happy with the bold statement. "We have a hunch." He said, catching my gaze, "And I might need your help to unravel this situation..."

Ben whipped his head back around, giving his dad a Whatchu talkin about? look. The Fairy Godmother and Belle also looked puzzled.

"If Audrey is doing this out of jealously, we're afraid the first people she'll be seeing on the Isle are your parents."

"Does she have the Fairy Godmother's wand?" Jay spoke up, looking confused.

The Fairy Godmother answered "No".

"Then what exactly are you afraid of?" The dark haired boy asked.

"Well, first of all." The King said like it was obvious, "She has the remote, which means opening the barrier for anyone on the Isle would be easy peasy."

Jay shrunk back, feeling like an idiot. "Oh right..."

"Second of all, Audrey is no stranger to this land. She knows the layouts of our buildings, where the weapons are located, how our rotations and schedules work. If she's foolish enough, she could expose our secrets. Isn't that exactly what Maleficent wants?" Beast snapped his fingers for effect. "We need to find her and bring her back."

"What if she's already with Maleficent?" I asked, "How long has it been since she went over there?"

"Less than an hour." Ben replied, looking at his watch.

"The same thing: find Audrey, take her back." Beast shrugged, "I'm sure she hasn't gotten to her yet."

I was about to ask how he was so sure when Evie interrupted my thoughts.

"I don't see how the five of us fit in to this?" She said, becoming nervous, "Can't you just send some soldiers over-"

"The soldiers don't know."

"What do you mean?"

Fairy Godmother stepped up. "I used my wand to erase the memories of Audrey's disappearance from everyone's minds." She said solemnly, almost like she regrets it, "I used magic."

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