chapter 2:a month later. tsunade and orochimaru's return.

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Tsunade and orochimaru had just made it back to their former village of konoha.
Well... orochimaru's former village that is. Tsunade just didn't want to come back because of her bad memories and all the family she's lost to this accursed village. But apparently her Sensei sent her a messenger monkey
Saying that she's got a grandson with the mokuton.
That word really really bothered her. That just meant that she still had family in konoha and the fact that it's her cousin Kushina's son naruto!!!. OH there would be hell to pay for not telling her sooner. But what scared her The most wasn't that he had wood release.
No no no. What frightened her AND orochimaru. Was his fighting style of choice.
The infamous MMA fighting style of her grandfather hashirama senju and that he was being trained in the art by The nine tails sent shivers down her spine and she said.

"I... seriously hope he doesn't hate me...for abandoning him...will he???." And orochimaru said.

"Don't worry tsunade.
If he's as dangerous with his Taijutsu as Sarutobi Sensei claims.. jiraiya and I have your back like we always have. I'm sure he's not that angry at the two of you.
I was forced out of the village before he was born. It's a shame really. Minato used to be the most smartest hokage who ever lived only for him and Kushina to sacrifice themselves with the reaper death seal for this rotten corrupted greedy power hungry village. If what jiraiya has told me with his messenger toad is tri.Sensei has finally grown a back bone and put the council and jiraiya in their place.
Danzo's been tried and found guilty of military treason and kidnapping orphans and is awaiting execution in 24 hours. The civilian council was suspended until further notice and the shinobi council was forced to grow a back bone and do something useful for naruto for once.
Hiashi's been more....kind and generous towards his eldest daughter Hinata.
The girls confidence has improved greatly since then."
Just all too familiar screams of pain and agony were heard flying towards them and orochimaru said.

" Did you hear that tsunade???. It sounds like jiraiya got punched through the air again. But I thought only you were strong enough to do that."
And tsunade said.

"I am...or. at least I thought I was."
Jiraiya then said as he landed in front of his old teammates.

"Tsunade!!!. Orochimaru!!!.
Save me!!!. Hide me!!!. Do something!!!. I don't want to have my balls forcibly removed by way of Kenjutsu!!!. please save me!!!. I don't want to be The blonde beasts newest punching bag!!!."
Just then tsunade and orochimaru heard naruto shouting and said.

"Get back here you lousy good for nothing perverted God father!!!. Come back here so I can show you what real pain is!!!. What it's like to truly suffer!!!. I'm gonna KILL YOU for your neglected care of me!!!. You and that busty teammate the old Man calls my grandma!!!. Where are you Grandma Tsunade so I can pummel you into the ground!!!. Show yourself now!!!."
Orochimaru then said.

" Scratch that Hime...the boys furious with the two of you.
And I've learned from being around you that an angry uzumaki is a dangerous uzumaki. Good luck!!!."
Tsunade then said.

"Orochimaru you coward!!!.
I thought you said you were going to have our backs!!??.
The kid wants me to fight.
Fine. Let's fight. He's just a
9 year old. How strong could he really be???."
And jiraiya said.

"Just you wait and see for yourself Hime. He's so strong
He almost KILLED Sarutobi Sensei!!!."
Tsunade's eyes went wide with fear as she then realized just how screwed they were and said.

"Jiraiya... whatever happens happens...i just wanted to let you know... that I always did love you...if we survive this...
I'll definitely go out with you for a drink on a date....if we're not dead first."
Naruto then showed up with blinding speed and said as his fists were coated in wood release like boxing gloves.
He then said.

"There you two are!!!.
Ready for your punishment for neglecting my care!!??."
Tsunade took one look at naruto who didn't have a shirt on and noticed how well toned and muscular he was and in that moment she could say only five words.

"We're SO dead right now."
Naruto then rushed towards tsunade faster then she could get her guard up and sent a Left upper cut to her lower jaw and sent her flying backwards. She hit the tree wall behind her and got back on her feet and once again naruto rushed towards tsunade with blinding speed tsunade was prepared this time and kept her guard up naruto then came down with a flying axe kick and tsunade actually felt her left femur fracture and a black and blue bruise with some swelling and screaming out in pain said.

"AHHHH!!!. DAMN IT BRAT!!!. We know your angry with us but go easy on the beat down will you!!??. I may be able to heal myself almost as fast as I can get injured but I'm not a damn jinchuriki!!!. I don't have a tailed beast to always heal my injuries you know!!!."
Naruto didn't care how badly he injured his grandma. Or his perverted God father for that matter. If anything. He was enjoying inflicting pain on them. Naruto then went in for a double hit to the stomach and knocked the wind out of tsunade. Naruto was too fast and she only had one good arm to protect her from Naruto and his brutal attacks. Jiraiya could barely stand and orochimaru was nowhere to be found.
Naruto then continued to use tsunade like a punching bag giving her a matching pair of black eyes a bloody lip dislocated shoulder and fractured rib cage. When naruto was done venting his anger on the two people who should have been caring for him for the last nine years he cancelled what he called his wood style: bone crusher gloves jutsu. And walked away he then said.
I hope you both learned what happens when you piss me off after nine years of neglected care of me.
Don't make me angry EVER again. Or I just might not hold back next time."
Tsunade then said.

"You... were... holding back???. I... feel like....I just had.... gamabunta... dropped on my head....we... weren't... aware that.... you survived... the sealing ritual.... I'm....sor.ry. we... should... have... stayed."
And naruto just looked at jiraiya and tsunade and said.

"That's right... you should have stayed.... but you didn't.
Even worse. You put your own selfish desires before your own family. You have nine years of neglecting to make up for. Consider this the first. That just leaves eight years left to go to make up for. And it starts with my
Genjutsu and medical Ninjutsu training."
Naruto the vanished in a swirl of burning leaves and hot air back to the house that his parents left him when they died. Tsunade and jiraiya then passed out afterwards and orochimaru said to his second in command Kabuto yakushi.

"Hmhmhm. The boys potential is quite the sight to see don't you think Kabuto???. Please do me a favor and heal tsunade while i check to make sure jiraiya is still breathing."
And Kabuto said.

"Yes Lord orochimaru right away."
Orochimaru then checked on jiraiya and found that he still had a pulse but it was very weak. They needed medical treatment fast and Kabuto and shizune could only do so much medical Ninjutsu treatment. Tsunade was constantly screaming in pain as Kabuto was popping all of her joints and bones back into place and healing her internal injuries. Once shizune and Kabuto were done with tsunade they began to work on jiraiya and once the three of them slowly made it to hiruzen's office... well let's just say that Hiruzen wasn't surprised at how badly naruto had beaten
Them to a bloody pulp. Jiraiya and tsunade knew what they were in for.
And they were already beginning to think that maybe they should start making amends as soon as naruto finished his first week of the academy. They just hoped that for their sake.
Naruto could keep that temper of his under control.
It frightened them both to know how much he may look like minato but acted more like his mother Kushina.
Kami willing. They had alot of time to make up for and they were going to do everything they could to make naruto trust them.
After all. That's what family was for right???. If they only knew how big a surprise they were in for when they saw kyuubi's free from the seal.
All hell would break loose in the uzumaki namikaze clan compound.

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