chapter 5: the Bell test

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Naruto was still curious about what that feeling he had was when Hinata rushed in front of him to fight off the fangirls. He thought it might be love. But he had to make sure. So he decided to as before beginning the gennin test and said.

"Hey kurama Sensei. Can I ask you something???."
And kurama said.

"Sure thing naruto what did you want to ask me???."
And naruto asked the one thing that made everyone else on his team fall backwards in shock.
Naruto then said.

"Kurama Sensei... what does it feel like to be in love with someone???. I'm just curious that's all."
Sure enough. Naruto's teammates fell backwards in shock Hinata blushes like crazy knowing full well that naruto was referring to her when she demonstrated her true strength in front of him at the academy. Kurama then said.

"Well...the feeling of being in love can be defined as many different things. Butterflies in your stomach. Spacing out and being distracted. Have you ever felt like that before naruto???."
And naruto said.

"Only once.... Sensei.. only the academy.. but then that brief moment ended when I remembered what I really wanted. The reason I truly wanted to become stronger. And it wasn't love. It's revenge.
Revenge against a certain Man who has wronged me
The night I was born. I don't care for being hokage. I only care about becoming the strongest fighter possible.
And when the time comes.
When I meet that Man..
I'm going to KILL HIM!!!."
Hinata was wondering who this Man was that had wronged naruto in his past the night he was born. But then she remembered what the history books said about the night of the kyuubi attack. It was the same night naruto was born!!!. She knew what the path of revenge eventually lead to.and one way or another she would turn naruto away from that path of darkness and hatred.
She would make him see that sometimes...all he needed was something or someone special that he would fight to protect. even if it costs her to sacrifice herself for him she would do anything for him because he was her special person she fights for. Kurama knew this but would let naruto figure that out for himself. A little bit of a life lesson would be great for him. Kurama then said.

"Okay. Let's see what you've got. You all have until noon to get these red bells from me or at the very least. Hit me. If you can't... you fail.
If you pass. The test begins.... NOW!!!."
Naruto Hinata and kiba split up to hide and come up with a plan to get the bells but naruto realized that the bells weren't the objective. It's team work. He then sent two shadow clones to find kiba and Hinata and the clones each told them they needed to work together so they agreed that it was best to do that then fight their Sensei
Alone. Naruto would be the distraction while kiba used his family's Taijutsu to push him back towards Hinata.
Hinata then shut down his chakra but failed.
Kurama then said.

"I'm impressed. It's not even noon yet and you realized that the point of this exercise was teamwork. You all pass.
Meet me at the Hokage's office tomorrow for our first mission. Dismissed.. OH..and naruto... please stay behind.
There's something we need to talk about... alone."
Hinata and kiba left to go back home with kiba pestering her to go out on a date with him but she just kept saying.

"No kiba. I'm sorry but I only have my heart set on naruto.
Perhaps some other girl will go out with a hormonally driven dog boy. Naruto-kun is stronger then you. Faster than you. More handsome and most of all...he doesn't stop training until he gets results. You saw his fight with Sasuke. Do you honestly believe for one second you could beat him???. Your still convinced that because we're both clan heir's we're meant for each other. Your wrong.
I'll never go out with you kiba so just give up trying."
Kiba's pride had just taken a huge blow to the gut right now and he was furious.
How dare naruto think he's stronger then him!!!. He would get Hinata to love him no matter what it took.
Even if he had to buy her love. He was desperate to have Hinata. The cutest girl he's ever met. And some loser was more impressive than him!!??. He would have to rally the other Inuzuka's to help him. kurama sensing kiba's intentions walked up to kiba and said.

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