chapter 3: training with the sannin.

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When tsunade and jiraiya were admitted into the hospital all the nurses and doctors were wondering who or what could have been able to put them in such a critical condition that nearly every single bone in their bodies were either fractured splintered or broken and needed surgery!!!. When tsunade. THE legendary medical ninja of the sannin tsunade. Was asked who did this and why. She said one name that immediately struck fear into all of the hospital staff's hearts.
Tsunade then said the name of the person who beat them bloody.

"Naruto... uzumaki..."
Those two words were all that the doctors needed to know just to know that anyone who's gotten used as a punching bag for that kid.
Almost never survive their surgery and dies a week later. the way in which he cripples his enemies would put even the green beast maito gai in the hospital for a few months. Which he did in fact. And the reason was that Hiruzen wanted to see just how powerful Naruto's MMA fighting style truly was. And what he watched through his crystal ball frightened him.

(Flash back one week ago)
A knock was heard on the office door of the hokage as the hokage said.
"You may enter with your gennin. Maito gai. And please don't speak a single word about The 'power of youth' as I'm too old for hearing such annoying things."
And maito gai said.

"Very well Lord Hokage. Now what is it that you requested for me and my two Taijutsu prodigies here!!!. Is it a mission???."
And Hiruzen said.

"Sort of. But not exactly. You see. Naruto uzumaki has been learning a form of Taijutsu not seen since the first hokage. He's actually mastered it. What I need to know is how far he's mastered it."
And gai asked.

" And just what May I ask is this Taijutsu art???. Surely it's not stronger then the heavy fist or gentle fist Taijutsu styles."
And Hiruzen said

"Indeed I shall tell you. But as a Taijutsu specialist I'm expecting you and your students to keep this secret from everyone else. You are to fight naruto uzumaki namikaze and observe what level his mixed martial arts fighting style is at. Then report to me and give me a full debrief. You will all be paid for a c-rank mission.
Hearing those words. Mixed martial arts. Gai was all too familiar with the art and knew how strong it was in the right hands. It's what he's practically based his Taijutsu styles off of. He then looked at Lee and neji and said.

"Lee.. neji... I'm going to be completely honest with you.
Your not yet strong enough physically to go against the MMA fighting style. Before you decide to brag about how fate and destiny are a part of life or how your eager to face such a thing as that.... your not ready at all. The MMA fighting style is a combination of precise speed strength agility and endurance.
All of which naruto has.
I will fight him and you are to observe and report to the hokage everything you've seen. In no way what so ever do you participate in the fight even if I'm defensless and my bones broken. You don't engage. Am I clear???."
Noticing that their Sensei was serious about this they just did as told and Lee said.

"Yes gai Sensei we understand fully!!!. May the powers of youth guide you!!!."
And so after searching for naruto for a full hour they found him and gai said.

"Naruto uzumaki. My students are eager to see you fight me in a one on on match to test your MMA fighter skills. Just name the time and place and we'll be there."
And naruto said.

"How about right now???.
I have a secret training ground of my own hidden under my apartment. Beneath my floor boards in my bedroom there's a tunnel. Follow that tunnel straight down to the end. When you reach the end you will see an open room with 8 seals on each corner of the walls.
That's where I will be waiting.
See you there tonight. Oh. And keep all of what i just told you a secret okay???.
Wouldn't want anyone else to know that I run my own underground MMA fighting organization now would we???. After all. I only choose the best of the best to fight me in the octogon arena. By day I act like an idiot to hide my true skills. Then by night... I'm known to all as the blonde beast of konoha. Dozens of times I've fought people with whom use weapons. And I beat them using only my bare hands. Like you I prefer the misunderstood art of Taijutsu over Ninjutsu and genjutsu.
I find it more fun to test my strength against others strength. Big or small."
And so night had fallen and
Many hours later maito gai had multiple fractured ribs a dislocated collar bone a fractured knee two black eyes
A broken nose Minor hair line skull fractures and a dislocated lower jaw.
When Lee and neji brought their Sensei to the hospital and explained who he fought against...the nurses and doctors KNEW that they were going to have a full hospital on just the first floor alone if the body counts increase.
Lee and neji gave a full debrief on how skilled naruto was and when NEJI of all people said that even he would have trouble beating naruto!!!. The hokage knew that he was looking at the first hokage and Madara Uchiha incarnate.
(Flash back to the present day)

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