chapter 9: naruto's true strength. fight or die!!!.

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Haku had completed the mission she was given by her master zabuza and got everything there is to know about gato's business activities. Most of which kakashi and the others found out was dealing in drugs woman and human slave auctions and black marketing. Basically what you would expect from an international criminal.
In fact gato was apparently wanted Dead by every country in and outside of the elemental nations. He couldn't be left alive.
Zabuza and haku had joined team 7 kakashi and team kurama on the bridge pretending to be fighting each other when really...they were waiting for the chubby midget Gato to show up.
And he did. Only he had an army of at least 50 bandits. They were all outnumbered and they knew it was inevitable. But they still had hope. Kurama then walked over to the bandits and gato and said.

"Greetings Gato. As you could see you have us outnumbered....but not outsmarted. We're giving you this one last chance for you to surrender peacefully or my best student will kill your army of bandits...and then break every bone in your body before he kills you.
What do you say???."
Gato and his bandits just laughed and gato said.

"Hahaha!!!. That's funny!!!.
That's really funny red Head.
As if one kid is able to defeat my 50 heavily armed men and kill me!!!. I'll believe it when I see it happening."
And kurama said.

"Fair enough.. you were given a chance to spare your own men severe injury. Naruto... you know what to do."
Kakashi then said.

"Kurama are you crazy!!!.
It's 50 heavily armed men against one gennin!!!. He's going to be killed!!!."
And kurama said.

"Then apparently you're forgetting about when naruto was cornered by twenty armed villagers and hospitalized them???. Fifty bandits is no trouble for him.
Just watch and have faith."

Naruto then said as he finished counting all the bandits.

Okay... THIS is what I'm talking about. Finally a real challenge. Sensei....hold my shinobi gear zabuza..haku.
Protect hinata-chan with your lives. Sensei is able to take care of himself. Sadly I could care less about you inuzuka. Protect tazuna and his family with your lives uchiha and I might just teach you how to really fight."

Naruto then walked up to the bandits and said.

"Hi there. My name is naruto uzumaki. I'm going give you this one chance. Give up or die. Otherwise this will be fun for me.. but very VERY painful for you."

One of the bandits then said.

"And what are you going to do kid???. Your not that tough we're bigger than you!!!."
And naruto said.

"Okay~. but it's your guys funerals because you refused to listen to me~."

Naruto then looked over to his Sensei and asking said.

"Kurama it okay if I cut loose???. I haven't done so in quite a while and I need to punch someone or something really badly."

Kiba's face turned ghost white since he knew what he was talking about. Naruto was eager to break him into tiny pieces. And what better way to show kiba what happens if people refused to listen to naruto. If anything.
Kiba inuzuka felt like wetting his pants right now. One of the bandits went to stab naruto with their naginata spear and over extended their reach. naruto then grabbed the pole end of the spear with both hands and flipped the bandit over his shoulder and rammed the bladed end through the man's chest. Naruto then said.

"One down and 49 more to go. Who's next???."

ALL of the bandits just looked at naruto and saw nothing but rage and anger that needed to be unleashed on something or someone.
They all then looked at Gato and one of the bandits said.

"No way!!!. Sorry little Man.
But my life isn't worth a single damn gold brick or any woman you could offer!!!. I'm out of here!!!."suddenly a huge surge of chakra was felt and kurama felt it immediately.
Naruto was using the hidden mist jutsu and laced it with his tailed beast chakra.
What followed was nothing short of something from a horror film. A song called undefeated started playing.
And kurama knew what that means. It was the only song naruto played when he's pissed off to the point of where he will most likely want to KILL someone.

The next thing everybody knew was that there's Dead bodies flying past them with broken necks and fractured limbs. But when scared everyone else most was what they saw when the mist cleared. There. At the other end of the bridge was Gato hanging from a cross upside down and being used as a punching bag. Bones were being cracked splintered even shattered as the fat little man kept coughing up blood. Naruto then said.

" Well that was fun. Who wants to do the honor of ending his life???. Anyone???. No. Okay then.
Enjoy your life in hell gato!!!.
Lightning style:thunder fist jutsu!!!!."

Gato's body was then electrocuted to the point of where his brain was fried his blood boiling and his bones breaking apart. The next thing anyone know naruto had his fist burried in gato's chest and blood running down his arm. Naruto then ripped out gato's heard and crushed it in his hand and said.

"Typical.... Cold as ice. No love what so ever in this one.
Oh well.... guess I should burn the bodies now.
Fire style: kitsune flame bullet jutsu!!!."
Multiple flaming bullets in the shape of a fox head ran across all of the dead bodies and turned them into Ash and dust. Kakashi kept noticing a theme with all of the Ninjutsu naruto used.
They were all fox based!!!.
It then hit him like a ton of bricks over the head as he finally realized who kurama really was...he was the nine tailed fox. Kakashi then said. wouldn't happen to be The nine tails in human form now would you???. I'm pretty certain Lord fourth created a seal to prevent you from escaping.
After all... it was the reaper death seal that sealed you away inside of naruto the night he was born and his parents died by your claw right???. Does naruto know The whole story of what happened???. What he is???.
Why he's never been told about his parents???."
And kurama said.

"I've told him everything that happened that night. Even how that wasn't the real Madara Uchiha. It was an uchiha yes. But it was your old teammate who should have died. It was Obito uchiha pretending to be Madara Uchiha. I would know. Because I've become too familiar with the chakra and sharingan eyes he has.
And that wasn't the eternal mangekyo sharingan.
It was the normal mangekyo sharingan eye. Similar to the one you posess kakashi."

Kakashi was in shock!!!. His own friend who was supposed to be dead wasn't Dead at all!!??. And was responsible for the nine tails attack on konoha twelve years ago!!!. What could have caused him to do such a thing as that!!??. Kurama then said.

"I know what your thoughts are on that particular subject. Your probably thinking that I'm lying to you about what I said. The Truth is I'm not sure how he survived. Only that he's still alive and is being manipulated by the real Madara Uchiha. If that's the case then I will have to increase naruto's training.
He's not going to be able to beat Madara Uchiha at his current level of strength.
Or Obito uchiha for that matter. I'm going to be adopting him so that he will be safe enough to train without interruption from others. hinata's the only acception to this because she's naruto's girlfriend.
Be warned kakashi... should you try fighting over my rights to adopt naruto... I'll do my best to get you removed as a shinobi faster then you could say chidori."

Kakashi just gulped and could tell kurama was Dead serious about adopting naruto and keeping him safe.
But what kakashi wanted to know was just where EXACTLY did they train and WHY was it such a big secret???. It's not like naruto ran an underground fighting Ring or anything like that did he???. If kakashi only knew how wrong he was about that. Naruto did indeed run his own underground fighting Ring. And had multiple tunnels that lead straight to it. The trick was knowing which tunnel was the right one since they were all designed the same way.
This was done by naruto to keep people from finding him. In the same way a shinobi killed their enemies.
Deception. The one thing that is a ninjas greatest weapon and always has been. And naruto uses it flawlessly.
Kakashi couldn't believe how much more of his true skills naruto was really hiding from others. If he only knew just what happened to the people who tried finding those secret out....he would regret ever meeting naruto to begin with.

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