chapter 8: naruto and hinata's relationship. the first date. kiba's jealousy.

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It was dinner time at tazuna's house and naruto was calmly eating dinner with everyone else at the table when suddenly tsunami's son inari decided to speak his mind and said.

"Why do you people keep trying so hard!!??. Why don't you just go back to your village and leave us alone!!!. Nobody here believes in heroes anymore!!!. You don't have any idea how much we've suffered because of gato's thug's!!!. You don't know what pain really is!!!. What it's like to be treated like dirt!!!."

Everyone's facial expressions went pale white as if inari had just said something that he would soon regret. And sure enough he did regret it.
Naruto then vanished and reappeared faster then inari could blink at the top of the stairs as he said to naruto.

"Get out of the so I can get to my room!!!. I don't understand why Grandpa keeps trying to finish that bridge!!!. He's just going to get himself killed like my father was!!!."
And naruto said.

"And what if I told you that there's people in this world.
This very house even. That have suffered more pain.
And been through far worse then you. You whiney. Spineless. Cowardly snot nosed brat!!!. YOU should be showing US respect. Since YOUR grandfather is paying for OUR protection detail.
We could have refused.
And your grandfather and mother and by extent yourself. Would still be poor and faithless. But I tell you what kid. If you could get past me. I'll let you go to your room and wallow in self-pity.
But if you can't then you and I are going to compare results of what REAL pain is.
Be grateful for the fact you still HAVE your mother and grandfather. I've never known what my mother looked like or who she was until kurama Sensei told me everything. You want to know pain. Take a good look at the scars on my upper body kid and Tell me about pain. Try growing up without your birth parents and not being told who they were your entire life!!!. Then talk to me about suffering!!!.
Because that's where I'm still at in my life now. Even though I have my God father.
And my grandma tsunade.
And kurama Sensei who is like a father to me. I'll always still be growing up never knowing my real parents love or kindness. Or life lessons and stories they could have shared and taught me. You see THIS!!!.
It's a seal. A type of shinobi art we use for different things from containment to torture and even teleportation and demolition.
THIS particular seal on my stomach is a level 8  containment seal with the soul essence of the shinigami as the main power source.
A forbidden technique called the reaper death seal was used on me the night I was born at the cost of my parents lives to save the hidden leaf village from my Sensei. He's the nine tailed fox. I am his jinchuriki.
More commonly known as.
The power of human sacrifice. Now do you get it you brat!!!. You think other people have it so great and you are suffering. Think about everything I just told you and then tell me what you know about what it's like to suffer at the mercy of your own people you protect. People who constantly try killing you on your own birthday!!!. You know what... just go back to your room. I'm done eating dinner because your not worth my time. Or my efforts. Good night."

Naruto then headed over to the front door and and kakashi said.

"Naruto where are you going???. We still have to get up tomorrow morning to protect tazuna remember???."
And naruto said.

"I'm well aware of the mission parameters kakashi hatake. I'm just stepping out to do some training. I'll be in the forest if anyone else needs me."

Naruto then stormed out the door and slammed it behind him so hard that everything in the house shook slightly out of place. Tazuna then looked at kakashi and the others and asked.

"Was everything that kid said true???. Was he really beaten up stabbed cut tormented and ridiculed his entire life and never once told about his parents???. Who is his parents anyway???. And what did he mean that symbol on his stomach was a seal powered by the death god???. And what is the reaper death seal anyway???.
What's so dangerous about it that it cost his parents their lives???."
And kakashi said.

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