chapter 4: graduation. naruto vs Sasuke Uchiha.

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It's finally graduation day and everyone was awaiting to see this sparring match all year. It's Sasuke uchiha vs what everyone else believed to be a Dead last failure.
Sadly the ANBU BLACK OPS and hokage knew otherwise.
They knew all too well that this match would end with only one winner. Naruto.
Naruto was dressed in an orange jacket and shorts and most of the time he never took it off. He also had bandages similar to the ones Lee wore but instead of training weight's he wore gravity seals on his body.
Naruto Then said to Sasuke.

"You know what Sasuke. I'll give you one chance right now to forfeit the match and spare you a humiliating defeat. What do you think.
Care to surrender???."
And Sasuke said.

"Yeah right loser. You couldn't lay a hand on me all year and you have always gotten beat by me. What's changed that makes things different this time!!!."
And naruto said.

"First let me take my jacket and sandles off. Second.
I'm going to release the gravity seals I'm wearing right now. Then the real fun begins."
Sadly Sasuke. As much as he tried to when taking the course on the art of seals.
Couldn't understand one bit of it. So to find out that naruto knew something he doesn't made him furious.
Naruto took off his jacket and immediately all the girls in the class watching had hearts in their eyes and drooling over naruto's well toned muscles and six pack abbs.
He then put on his fingerless gloves Bent at the knees put one foot behind the other.
Rock Lee and neji remembered that stance.
It's the same style that naruto beat their Sensei with. Naruto then had his left arm extended in front of him and right arm at his side with a closed fist and his front facing hand open with his palm outward. Iruka gave the signal to begin the match and Sasuke went in with a quick upper cut hoping to disorient naruto. Naruto flipped backwards into a double bicycle kick knocking Sasuke back a few feet away from from him almost out of the Ring. Naruto then stood on one hand with his legs straight up in the air. Sasuke then said.

"What The hell kind of technique was that loser!!??.
I demand to know so I can learn it myself."
And naruto said.

"Sorry uchiha. But you can't learn it. Because of two reasons. One. It's a senju clan fighting style. Which is one of the clans I'm a part of. Second.. your body wouldn't be able to handle the stress it puts on your body. In other words. Your too weak to even attempt this fighting style."
Sasuke was now outraged.
How dare naruto call him weak!!!. He would just have to prove naruto wrong.
Meanwhile naruto was just waiting there doing one handed push ups switching between hands. which all the girls found even more attractive. So much to the point where naruto looked at only one girl by accident of course and that girl was Hinata hyuga. She passed out after naruto winked at all the girls. But she knew it was directed at her. Sasuke then rushed towards naruto hoping to knock him off his balance but naruto used his entire hand like a spring board and launched himself upright in the air. He then gave Sasuke a mid air roundhouse kick to the face sending him backwards and giving him a black eye. Naruto the landed back in the same fighting stance as before and said.

"Give up uchiha!!!. You can't win without your sharingan.
Which if I'm not mistaken you have not unlocked yet.
Give up on this fight before I severely injure and hospitalize you. Iruka Sensei.
If Sasuke doesn't give up within the third hit. He's disqualified and failed this portion of the exams correct???."
And iruka said.

"Yes naruto that's correct.
You must be able to hit your opponent at least 3 times or knock them out of the ring to win. Why???."
And naruto said.

"Because this already over. Take a look.
Sasuke can barely focus let alone stand up. If I hit him one more time....he won't be able to make it out of the hospital. Alive that is.
But I'm feeling merciful so I'll let you decide when to end the fight."
Iruka took one look at Sasuke and noticed he was off balance his visit was blurred from the black eye he had and as naruto said he could barely stand up and continue fighting. Iruka then said.

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