chapter 6: naruto's asking Hinata for a date!!!

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Naruto had been looking all over the village for Hinata but couldn't find her. Even with his sensory skills she was good at hiding from him.
So he eventually gave up until Sakura noticed naruto's saddened state and asked.

"Hey naruto what's the matter???. You look tired and upset. Why is that???."
And naruto said.

"OH. hey Sakura. Shouldn't you be off following around Sasuke or something like that???. But don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I was just looking for Hinata to ask her something personal that's all."
Sakura couldn't believe it!!!.
She already knows what naruto wanted to ask Hinata but couldn't believe he's actually beginning to notice!!!. She could tell by how he was acting that it was a dead give away sign that he seems desperate so she decided to help her blonde hair friend out and said.

"Are you sure you looked everywhere???. ALL of her favorite places???."
And naruto said.

"Yeah. I did. I checked ino's family flower shop. The training grounds the cinnamon rolls shop the tea shop shinobi stores even her house. And that's the first place I went to look. I don't know where she would be."
And Sakura said.

"Well... you've checked everywhere she goes why not check everywhere you go to???. Since she secretly follows you everywhere you go to as well. Start with ichiraku's and your apartment and then the Hokage's monument. Are you trying to find Hinata so you could ask her to go out on a date with you???~"
Sakura said the last part in a teasing manner. And naruto just stood stiff as a board and said.

"M.. maybe...I don't know really. And besides that's none of your business because if I did tell you. You would just tell ino and she would tell the whole village!!!. That girl doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut to save her own life!!!."
Naruto then ran off and eventually he found Hinata in the last place he ever expected her to be. Ichiraku ramen noodles stand. And sure enough...she was looking for naruto. Teuchi and ayame ichiraku noticed naruto and was about to greet their favorite customer until he started to have second thoughts about what he was about to ask Hinata and started to walk away.
Just as he began turning around and walking away he bumped into his Sensei kurama and kurama just said in a serious tone of voice.

"Where do you think you are going naruto uzumaki namikaze???. Surely you weren't about to leave Hinata alone after all this searching you've done to find her and ask her on a date with you???."
And naruto said.

"But Sensei. I don't know the first thing about how to ask something like that!!!. I'm nervous. What do I say what do I need to do what if I mess up. what if..."
Kurama hit naruto over the head and said.

Look.. just be yourself and say what you feel about her.
Simple right???."
And naruto said.

"Says the fox who was too afraid of being rejected by his own crush on the nibi
And got cold feet."
And kurama said.

Naruto then went into ichiraku's and sat next to
Hinata. Teuchi then asked.

"Hey naruto. Why did you start running away earlier???. Is something wrong that you don't feel comfortable talking about???."
And naruto said.

"It's better if we wait until closing so I can ask Hinata something in private....alone."
Ayame and teuchi got the hint as ayame just winked at the two future love birds and said.

"Okay you two we'll give you some alone time to get better aquatinted with each other after all the customers have left. You could use the back kitchen."
And naruto said.

"Thanks ayame nee-chan.
You guys are the best."

The noodle stand closed up shop for the day a few hours later and naruto grabbed Hinata by her hand which made her blush a little as she asked.

naruto uzumaki: konoha's King of The octogon.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora