chapter 13:sasorori and deidara's strange feeling

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While the chunin exams were happening in konoha not far outside of fire country we find deidara and sasori looking for the akatsuki organizations next member. Itachi Uchiha. When suddenly they got a strange feeling that they both just missed out on a wonderful display of art. They then looked at each other and said.

"Did you just sense that!!!.
It felt like we just missed out on something big!!!."

And deidara said.

"Well I don't know about you sasori my man. But I want to find out where that wonderful sense of an explosive art came from. You can't tell me that your not the least bit curious as to what the sense of art you just felt was either do you???."

And sasori said.

"Hmmm. You have a good point deidara. I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out who's using our preferred forms of art and see what their capable of doing with it.
We're not far from the hidden leaf village. We were given orders to find and recruit new members for akatsuki. The boss didn't say anything about checking out a jinchuriki and what their skills are. Right???."
And deidara said.

"True. We're no closer to finding Itachi Uchiha then we were when we started. Plus we could use a break. Let's go to the hidden leaf village and find out who's making such amazing art."

And so with their next destination in mind. Deidara and sasori headed towards the hidden leaf village getting there was easy enough... getting inside wasn't the problem either since they took off their akatsuki organization robes before hand and went in without their Head band's on when they made it to the gates they presented their paperwork which sasori managed to get through kakuzu's contacts in the shinobi black market venders community.
After their papers were handed back to them they entered The village and asked around about if anyone knew about a person who used explosive release or puppetry jutsu. A villager froze in place as they pulled sasori and deidara aside and said.

"Listen to me when I say this to you and listen well. If you value your lives your not going to be asking questions outside the Hokage's office.
People tend to either die or get put in the hospital for asking the wrong questions to answers you won't like.
Unless you want to meet the shinigami early at the hands of the blonde beast of konoha naruto uzumaki namikaze..... I've said too much already. Good day."
Deidara then remembered something from when he was a shinobi of the hidden stone village about the third shinobi war and who it was that beat his former villages 1000 forces single handedly.
The yellow flash of the hidden leaf village.. minato namikaze. Deidara then looked at sasori and said.

" Hey sasori my man... does that name ring a bell to you???. I'm not sure how but for some reason I've heard that name somewhere else before. Namikaze... uzumaki.... namikaze uzumaki.... OH...shit.... sasori my man.... it's been nice knowing you but if this kid is the son of THOSE people!!!. Especially if if he's the son of THAT man..... we're Dead.... This was a bad idea and I never should have suggested that we come here to begin with!!!. I want my old life as a hidden stone shinobi back.. I don't want to die!!!."

Sasori then thought to himself.

"Hmmm. I wonder what it is about this kid that's got deidara so on edge all of a sudden. Hold on!!??. That's it!!!. That last name!!!. Namikaze!!!. And that other name. Uzumaki!!!. It's not possible!!!. It couldn't be her child!!!. There's no way that they had a son!!!. That means I have a nephew!!!. Kushina nee-chan had a son!!!."
Sasori then looked at deidara and said.

"Well then deidara. I guess I'm staying since the kids actually my nephew. You see deidara. Kushina uzumaki. The red hot hobenero of konoha....was my sister.
That would have technically made the fourth Hokage minato namikaze my brother in law. Sorry but I can't leave family behind. Not again. I'll find the kid. But your coming with me to find him. Like it or not we're partners. And we're stuck with each other until one or both of us is Dead. But the odds are that you will most likely die first as a suicide bomber."
Deidara felt like he was being insulted about his art and said.

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