chapter 15: the five kage's suspicions.

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After watching naruto's fight against Sasuke the other four kage began to grow suspicious about what naruto was really capable of doing if he'd actually stopped holding back against an opponent. Perhaps it was time that Ay the third raikage gave yugito permission to go full on two tailed beast chakra mode. If his suspicion of what yugito told him was true then naruto would become a very big thorn in his side after a few years.
He knew that he was taking a big risk. But he wanted to get payback against naruto's parents and this was also a perfect opportunity to make a second attempt at stealing the Byakugan again in the shroud of all the chaos. He then said.

"Please excuse me for a moment hokage sama. I must speak with one of the gennin from my village. I'll be back in a few minutes."

And Hiruzen said.

"Sit. down. Raikage.
Don't think I don't know your going to loosen the seal on the two tailed jinchuriki yugito nii from your village and then order her to take out naruto at all costs. If you take so much as a single step towards the hyuga clan heiresses.... naruto will have your head. Quite literally in fact. It wouldn't be wise to have a tailed beast running around the village here in konoha with a mokuton bloodline user in the tournament now would it???.
Especially since that wood style user is Naruto. Hmhm. Your too easy to predict Lord raikage. Now sit down and enjoy the rest of the finals...or would you prefer I have my ANBU BLACK OPS ordered to detain you???."

And the raikage Ay said.

"Fine.. you may have won this one but we will have the Byakugan for the hidden cloud one way or another.
Even if we have to declare war all over again just to do it. And let's face it Lord Hokage. Your not as young as you used to be. I could easily be able to have all of my shinobi invade your village and nothing would stop us from taking the last namikaze out. Mokuton bloodline or not. He's the son of the fourth Hokage. We lost alot of good shinobi against him. His sons head will be compensation enough for their deaths."

Suddenly. Naruto had jumped down from the ceiling of the kage box and onto the table in front of the raikage and said.

"Well Lord raikage. If your really that desperate to kill me...the I invite you to my private training grounds.
Take any short cuts through the hyuga clan district and I'll know. I've got eyes and ears everywhere in the village. You want to settle the score for what my father did to your forces back then...fine. but he was just following orders. It's not his fault you were and probably are still too slow. My father was a sealing jutsu prodigy.
Your pride in the amount of strength and speed you have was and still is your biggest weakness. But by all means please don't hesitate to try and kill me here and now.
You know that you and the tsuchikage want to but I don't think that you will without causing an international war incident. Am i right old man???."

Hiruzen just grinned and looking at the raikage said.

"He's not wrong Lord raikage. By trying to kill him your ultimately risking an international war between our villages and our nations.
And just where EXACTLY is this private training ground of yours naruto???. And where did you disappear to every night after the academy???. I couldn't see you with my crystal ball. What are you hiding from me naruto???. You can trust me with the truth you know that don't you???."

And naruto said.

"OH sure. Like I should trust you any farther than I can throw a kunai knife. You would like that wouldn't you???. Have me trust you just so you could lie to me all over again about my parents.
I don't think so but good luck trying to find my private training grounds. If jiraiya couldn't find it then neither will you. But please don't hesitate to waste all of your time and resources trying to do so.
I enjoy seeing you squirm.
You will never find it. End of story."

naruto uzumaki: konoha's King of The octogon.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora