chapter 14:the first round finals. naruto vs Sasuke

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It's the first match of the Chunin exams finals and it was Sasuke vs naruto. Thinking that his sharingan would give him the upper hand to beat naruto Sasuke immediately activated his sharingan and little did he know that naruto has a surprise in store for him.
For you see. Just before his death shisui uchiha had entrusted both of his sharingan eyes to Itachi who later decided that it was best to give to a more deserving person who would not abuse it's power. naruto... posessed the most powerful sharingan eyes of the entire uchiha clan. He posessed the kotoamatsukami genjutsu.
He had practiced with it non stop until Itachi helped him unlock the mangekyo sharingan eyes. Once that became something even more powerful than even the rinnegan. It became the rinne-sharingan. Giving naruto the ability to use the same Powers and abilities as both the sharingan and rinnegan kurama had explained that because he also posessed the wood release naruto was officially the next sage of six paths.
In essence...the fight would be over before it's even began. Naruto then looked at Sasuke and said.

"If your trying to scare me with that pitiful excuse for a sharingan of yours you could quit the acting. We both know that you are able to use the mangekyo sharingan eyes by now. So let's not beat around the bush and get straight to it shall we???.
Rinne-sharingan!!!. What's the matter uchiha???. Surprised that you don't have the rinnegan and sharingan like me???."

Sasuke then asked and said.

"How The hell do you have my clans bloodline ability!!??. Your not an uchiha!!!. Your a senju!!!.
So how is that possible!!??."

And naruto said.

"Let's just say that I grew close to one uchiha in particular.. and that his last dying wish was that I was to take his sharingan eyes and keep them out of the hands of danzo shimura. As for the rinnegan...i unlocked that myself by working endlessly to become stronger. And with your brothers help I unlocked the ultimate bloodline. The rinne-sharingan. Get ready Sasuke be made one of the first people I use this genjutsu on. Infinite tsukuyomi!!!."

Sasuke then fell limp as if frozen in his tracks. Inside the infinate tsukuyomi Sasuke Uchiha was watching every single one of naruto's memories from the night he was born to the time he entered the academy. The mission to wave country.
Even his fight against Gaara.
Sasuke watched as an uchiha had forced the nine tailed fox out of a woman who Sasuke assumed was naruto's mother. And then he saw the fourth Hokage. But it's the name that the fourth Hokage said that frightened him.
Sasuke then said.

Madara Uchiha!!!. That's impossible!!!. My clans ancestor died in his fight against the first hokage!!!.
He'd be at least 100 years old by now!!!. Is that why naruto hates all other uchiha's???.
Wait a minute???. This memory is different. Cousin shisui!!??. What's he doing with naruto!!??. And why is he giving him his sharingan eyes!!??. Does that mean that...."

It then occurred to Sasuke that he didn't have as bad a childhood as he thought. He then watched as naruto's memories of freeing the nine tails and training with him got him stronger than anyone else in the entire village. Naruto them appeared before Sasuke in a swirl of Black flames and said.

"Horrible isn't it Sasuke???.
To finally realize that you were always complaining that you had everything taken from you. When really... you've always had more than what I did in life.
I grew up without ever knowing who my parents were. Without knowing what it's like to have someone else love you so much that they would die for you. Do you have any idea what that's like uchiha???. Who am I kidding of course you wouldn't. Your the last loyal uchiha. All you care about is revenge for your clan and killing your brother right???. Well guess what Sasuke. Itachi Uchiha didn't kill his own clan....I did. The hokage gave me strict orders to kill all uchiha's involved in the rebellion against the village.
Naturally I accepted. Itachi just sat back and watched it happen. There wasn't a single drop of uchiha clan blood on his hands. It was all me. Hmhmhm. Do you want to see that particular memory???. I could show you what your father's last words were before I ran your cousin shisui uchiha's sword through his chest. Oh I spared all the elderly and infant children. It's just your father and the uchiha council I slaughtered like power hungry sheep. I am both the sword and shield of the hidden leaf village. I kill anyone who would wish ill will against it's people. Be they friend.. enemy....or my own teammates family."

Sasuke was gripping his head in agony trying to escape this illusion and break the genjutsu. Sadly he couldn't.
Naruto then cancelled the genjutsu and released Sasuke's mind from it.
Sasuke then got back on his feet and said.

"You... you damn monster!!!.
You killed my clan!!!. You framed my brother!!!. And you took my cousins sharingan eyes!!!. I'LL KILL YOU!!!. Lightning style: chidori!!!."

Sasuke's hand then lit up with lightning chakra and rushed towards naruto. Naruto just side stepped Sasuke's attack and grabbing his lightning chakra coated hand. Snapped his wrist and dislocated his arm. Faster then anyone could see naruto pulled out a roll of Ninja wire and a seal tag and tied Sasuke up and knocked him out cold. Everyone in the stands was shocked at how powerful naruto was. Yugito fuu and their tailed beasts were definitely scared shitless right now. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea for yugito to tell the current raikage A about naruto being the son of The fourth Hokage... but then again there's no way the raikage would lose to naruto right???. He might be The son of The yellow flash of konoha and red hot hobenero Kushina uzumaki but that doesn't mean he knows that hiraishin least she seriously hoped he didn't.
The raikage was watching closely to naruto in particular and nodding to yugito as if giving the order to prepare the invasion with the hidden stone village to kill the last namikaze uzumaki for revenge was about to soon commence.
The signal for the invasion would be the moment yugito purposely gave the two tailed cat full control. But naruto had a trick up his sleeves when that battle came. And what a fight it would be indeed.

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