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"I'm telling you that Ross is going to propose to you sooner rather than later so you need to start thinking about your answer," Emily said.

Emily was my best friend who didn't know how to stay out of other peoples business. 

"Ross is about to go Kansas for technical training, I doubt marriage is on his mind right now," I said to her as I combed my hair.

"I didn't say he was going to do it tomorrow, I'm just saying soon," she said. "Would you say yes," she asked me.

Ross was my boyfriend for the last five years. We met in my junior year of college. Him being two years older than me, we waited for me to graduate before we really took another step in our relationship. A man that will wait for you is a keeper. At least that's  what my aunt said. We seem very compatible and that's the reason we've been dating for so long. Ross always said he wanted to get himself ready financially and mentally before he ever got married to anyone. We never really had any big fights usually over petty stuff like who left there dirty clothes out or ate the last of the ice cream.

I'm twenty five with a steady job at a Top interior designing office. I think I'm in a position to where I can get married in fact I really want to, Ross hasn't proposed yet but he will when he's ready.

"I would say yes," I answered. Emily snorted.

"I never really liked that kid,"she said while filling in her eyebrows.

"Kid?" I said laughing. "Must I remind you he is two years older than you,"I said. She doesn't like Ross for some reason and she always calls him kid. I think maybe she is starting to like him. At least I hope.

I look down at my phone and see the time.

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late for work," I said throwing my hair up in a bun. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door. I practically speed to work, I'm surprised I didn't get pulled over.

I put my purse strap over my shoulder and calmly walked into the build as if I hadn't just raced in my car to get here.

"Hey, Angel," the receptionist Lisa said as I walked in. I waved and walked to my office desk.

I looked at my phone to see two incoming messages. One from Emily and one from Ross. The one from Emily said to tell Kevin that she was going to be late. She didn't actually come to work until two hours later than I do but she always took her time no matter what she does so her getting ready will probably take forever.

The message from Ross said to meet him at the corner Café for lunch. Geez what about hey babe, good morning. I turned my phone off and started working on my current project.

"Angel I see your on time today," said Kevin my boss as he approached me. I nodded.

"Yes, but Emily said she might be a little late," I said. He groaned.

"If it's not both of you it's one of you,"he said underneath his breath. "Anyways, I want you to come to the meeting tomorrow," he said.

I looked up at him a bit confused.

"For the Danielson project?" I asked.

"What else? I'm asking you because Kala informed me she wouldn't be here to take notes and this is a big project so someone is needed,"he said.

"Alright,"I said.

"But please be on time the meeting starts at 9am,"he said while stressing the time.

"Will do sir,"I said and then he walked away.

Two and a half hours later Emily came in. 

"Emily you said you were going to be late, I assumed by a couple minutes not a whole half hour," I said through my teeth as she walked to the desk next to mine.

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