Ch. 11

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I walked pass each of the stalls checking to see if they are empty and then I go into the biggest stall, the last stall locking myself in there.

I awkwardly stood there for a moment the I lifted my skirt and moved my panties aside. I started to rub myself. Then faster and faster. 

It didn't feel as good as grinding on Calvin but it was enough. My breathe started picking up its paste as my hand did. Then I heard a door open.

"Angel?" Calvin said. "Are you in here," he asked. I quickly removed my hand and pulled down my skirt. 

I tried to slow my breathing. My face was red and I knew it. I hear the heals of his shoes walking further into the bathroom. Pausing every other second. He's checking the stalls.

Please let his phone ring or something. He came to the last stall and pushed it but it didn't open.

"I know your in there Angel," he said calmly. My name sounded so good coming from his mouth. I shook my head and unlocked the door and walked passed him.

I went to the sink and started washing my hands. I passed a quick look at him and then went back to washing my hands. He was leaning in the stall watching me with a smirk while he crossed his arms.

"What were you doing?" He asked.

"Using the bathroom, what else? This is a bathroom after all," I said quickly. "A girls bathroom," I added. Noting the fact that he should not be in here.

"Using the bathroom?" He said suggestively. "Then how come your face is so red and you didn't flush," he said. Ah, I'm such a idiot, I could've flushed the toilet to make it look like I used it, though it would explain my face.

"I-I,"I said. I didn't know what else to say. I was speechless. I was being caught in the middle of a lie.

"I think," he said. "You were doing something...else," he said as he walked closer to me. He voice got deeper and there was a certain look in his eye.

"N-no, I wasn't," I said quickly as I turned off the water.

"Tsk tsk tsk," he said as he moved his finger side to side. I watched him like a hawk as he walked towards the door. At least he was leaving and not making fun of me. 

I walked and grabbed some paper towels when I heard a click. Think he left I turn to the door seeing him still in here with his hand on the bathroom lock. Oh no.

I threw the paper towel away as he approached me.

"Were you singing?," he asked.

"What?" I said confused as he walked towards me slowly knowing I could get away if I tried. But trying to escape never crossed my mind.

"Were you dancing?" He asked as he stepped right in front of me. I stepped back walked right into the walk and he stepped in front of me. "Or were you...,"he started. 

He slowly brought his hand up my leg and then let it stop at my waste band.

"If we were at my job with all these other people I would rip this skirt off you with my bare hands," he said. I let out a sigh. I don't know if it was out of relief that he wouldn't do anything or out of disappointment that he would do anything. 

He grabbed me under my thighs like before and place me on the counter. I looked at him surprised. I though he wasn't going to do anything?

"Instead of ripping them off, I'll have to take them off like a civilized being," he said. Whaaaaat!

He kissed my lips in his signature way, ever so softly. And I felt him reach for the top bottom of my blouse. My brain was tell me to make him stop but my body didn't respond to it. Instead I moved my chest closer to his hands and I heard his moan as he grab a fist full of my shirt.

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