Ch. 13

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I couldn't sleep when we were driving to the airport or on the plane or when we drove in a rental car early in the morning when we arrived in Kansas. 

As we drove there was dead silence in the car.

"Are you nervous," she asked. 

"A little," I said.

"I hope I'm wrong about all this," she said under her breath but I heard it. I hoped she was wrong but even if she was where would that leave me.

I would be a happy woman that he has been loyal all this time while I have been considering someone else to be with because of my impatience.

Emily looked down at her phone. Then she turned into a motel lot. Motel?

"Kevin's message says that Ross is staying here in room 204," she said. She took off her seat belt.

"Stay here," I said. She looked at me with concern.

"If it's not true it'll look weird that your here and you guys don't like each other, if it is true then I want to get out of here as soon as possible," I said. She nodded and the turned the car back on as I got out and walked into the entrance of the motel.

I walked until I found room 204 on the second floor. I went to knock but the door was already cracked.

I'm surprise him so it would be better not to knock and just walk right in. I heard a clapping sound as I step forward.

I looked at the door and it said 204. Please don't tell me Emily gave me the wrong number. I made a quick prayer as I stepped around the corner and would I saw had me frozen in my tracks.

With no blankets on them Ross was slamming his dick into some girls ass. 

What amazed me was the position they were in. The same position Ross put me in when he was getting off by himself. 

His hand came down hard on her ass making me flinch. His little dick was slamming into the back of her at rapid speed. He had one had groping her little big breast. He let his other hand slap her ass hard as hell multiple times.

I was so shocked I could say anything. I could go any further in the room or backwards. He pulled his inch long dick out of her and threw her body around so she was on her back. At this time I saw she was blindfolded.

He started pumping his dick with his hand and white liquid shot out onto her body. He slid he dick back into her and she acted as if the world was on fire. He slammed into her so fast at rapid speed that the bed was slamming against the wall.

"Ah fuck yeah," he moaned. "Diana I missed this pussy of yours," he moaned. Diana. He turned her around and started pumping into her again as he continuously slapped her as leaving red mark instantly. She hadn't made one sound the whole time he was fucking her. "Isn't this what you want Diana. Isn't this what you fucking want bitch!" He moaned. He grabbed her by her hair  with one hand and grabbed the headboard with the other hand and banged into her even harder than before making her breast bounce out of control. The bed slammed into the wall and it sounded as if it was going to break. I'm surprised the people at staying next door didn't hear.

"Dude I said I'd watch your kid so y'all could fuck but damn I can't hear my tv," a voice said from the hallway.

"Babe," said the females voice.

"Shut the fuck up and enjoy my dick bitch," he said still ramming into her. 

"I think the door is open," she said. He stopped pumping into her and was  breathing rapidly. 

He took he hand and swung it back and let it hit her ass so hard it mad a loud clap and her little ass shook in response.

"Bro, y'all are too damn Boise watch your won kid," said an approaching voice. I turned and a man came in holding a kids arm. A kid who looked a lot like Ross.

I turned and so Ross standing there mouth open as he looked back at me with wide eyes.

"You couldn't have sex with me because?" I said. He stood in front of my with he shrunken inch dick which looked small at this point.

"A-Angel," he said surprised.

"Wow the first time you call me by my name since graduation is when I catch have the time of your life slamming you Vienna sausage into her coin purse," I said laughing. 

I think I was so shocked I was laughing.

"A-Angel what are you doing here?" He asked still shocked.

"I catch you having sex and your the one asking me questions?" I said confused. "To be honest I was going to have sex with someone to," I said. I kept putting it off because of you. But turns out you didn't want to have sex with me for the last five years because you we probably thinking of Diana and not to even mention this young guy over hear who looks a lot like you I might add," I said.

"That's not my kid..." Ross said.

"Daddy?" Said the little boy as tears welled up in his eyes. Poor thing.

"Why would you deny your own kid? If your going to have kids with other people and fuck them till you've had your full at least try and convince me your not the asshole I think you are," I said.

"Angel," Ross said.

"Shut the fuck up Ross," I started. "I'm not made you kissed someone, I'm not even made you slept with her probably multiple times over the years, I'm made that you had a kid with a mother woman and then try to keep us both. I made that you proposed to me and then left to do this. I made that I didn't think your small dick ass three years ago," I said.

"How do yo-," he stared. I took off his cheap ass ring and through it at him. I kind hoped it would land on his dick like a horseshoe but my aim isn't that good and his dick wasn't big enough to to fit the ring.

"Does it really matter how I know? I know and I'm done," I said. I turn to walk out but faced him one more time. "I glad I found out, now I don't have to pick between you and the man I've been wanting to leave you for. Go back to slamming your inch long dick into her. I hope you get what you came for," I said before walking out of that place for good.

As I left I felt mixed feeling. I was happy that I could be with Calvin and not have to risk cheating on Ross. But there were tears streaming down my face because I wasted a large part of my life on someone I thought I loved and loved me back.

I got into the car and had to convince Emily not to go into the motel and rip his head off. Her words not mine.

I couldn't stop the tears. I wasted so much time. If I had let him go years ago maybe Calvin would be in my life a lot sooner he is now. I stopped crying when we got out the car but started crying again when I got on the plane.

We got off the plane and were driving back to work. I looked at the time and there was 30 minutes left until work officially closed.

Would Calvin still be waiting for me? I sure hoped so but would be to surprised if he wasn't.

We arrived at work when it was exactly 9:00pm closing time. I ran to the entrance and didn't see Calvin. I slid down the front of the door and the tears came back. 

All I wanted was Calvin.

"You actually came," said a deep familiar voice. I looked up to see Calvin. He eyes quickly assessed my face.

He helped me help and hugged me tightly.

"I hope you know now that you can't leave Angel. Your no longer a temptation but my woman," he said. "Your mine," he added.

"I'm yours," I agreed as he pulled me into a tighter hug.

I think I was more happy in this moment then I have been in the last five years.


What was the meanest thing someone has done to you?🖤

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