Ch. 10

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I sat at my desk covered with multi-colored rose petals. I'm engaged. To Ross.

"I can't you said yes to that asshole," Emily said as she typed on her phone.

"I can't believe I said it either," I said. Emily looked up from her phone and at me.

"Angel, I don't trust that that. Don't wait until y'all get married, break it off with him now. Trust me when I say you'll be better off without him," she said.

"He's been nothing but kind to me Emily," I said. I felt like I was betraying Toss but I kind of felt like I was betraying myself for some reason to. I love him so why am I not happy. This is what I wanted. Doris to get married and now it's happing so am I not excited.

"That's what you think," Emily mumbled before leaving the office. "Kevin!" Emily yelled as she left. "Where are you dumbass," she continued.

My phone went off around lunch time and I read a text from Ross saying that he will pick me up from work. For some reason I layer my head on my desk and cried.

I told Emily that Ross was picking me up and she just ignored me. Before I left though she told me to be careful.

"Where are we going," I asked Ross as he drove.

"I have to head to the airport tomorrow morning so I'm taking you to the hotel I'm staying at," he said. "After you drop me off at the airport you can use my car until you get your fixed," he said.

Oh. Why is he so nice.

Seven hours later when we arrived to the hotel we booked a room and walked to the elevator.

"What time do you leave tomorrow," I asked.

"6:00am," he responded. We came to our room and I went to the bathroom. When I came out we both sat on the bed as the tv was on.

"Where is your luggage," I asked.

"In the car," he answered.

"What technical training will your be learning," I asked.

"It's very intricate and you may not get it if I explained," he said shrugged. Oh. He scooted next to me as I stared down at the thin piece of jewelry on my finger.

"Two months is a long time," I said.

"It'll go by before you know it and you'll be walking down an isle with me when I get back," he said. "You can start looking at some things for the wedding now while I'm away," he added. Isn't that a two person thing? Where we decide together?

He turned my face with his hand and started kissing me roughly. The only way he knows how. I pulled back and tried something different. I kissed him slowly. The way Calv-

I stopped kissing him and he looked at me for a moment. Then he went back to kissing me aggressively. I kissed him back the same way. 

He pushed me back and climbed onto of me. What are we doing?

"Ross what-," I started.

"You said this is what you wanted," he said. "Since were getting married let's just do it," he added. Something about this just didn't feel right, it didn't feel like how I hoped.

He went back to kissing me and I kissed him back. He stared rubbing his member on me and I nearly felt it through my skirt but it was enough.

He reached under untucked blouse and his hand found my chest. He started to massage me there and I had never felt this before so of course I was loving it.

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