Ch. 2

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As I started cleaning my desk getting ready to head home my phone vibrates. I look and see a message from my aunt that says get home safely. 

My aunt was my mother figure in my life. She cared for me more than anyone had in my life. When my mom passed when I was younger she helped my dad by being the woman and mother figure I needed as a child.

I smile and put my phone in my push. 

"You headed home Angel?" Emily asked as she typed on the computer.

"I'm headed to Ross's place. You?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I need to get some papers ready for tomorrow's meeting,"she said. She paused and looked up at me. "Did you know that the guy we are doing the project for the  CEO of Danielson Co. is coming to the meeting tomorrow?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"To be honest, I've never heard of that man in my life," I said while thinking.

"If you didn't live with me Angel I would be convinced you lived under a rock somewhere in the forest," Emily said. I smiled at this. I then kissed her on the cheek and headed out to my car.

As I got into my car it started to lightly rain. Thank god for vehicles. I put my key and try to start my car but instead of turning on like it normally does it made a grunting sound and smoke started rising from the front.

"What the hell," I mumbled to myself as I took my phone out of my purse. I called Emily and she picked up on the second ring.

"You forget something?" She asked.

"No, my car won't start," I said trying to turn the key again and again. A car problem is the last thing I need right now. 

"Take mine," she said. 

"No thanks it's raining you'll need it to get home," I said. "I take a taxi but can you do me a favor and call someone to pick up my car so I can get it fixed?" I added.

"Sure thing," She said.

"Thanks, be carful on your way home the rain is getting heavier,"I said. I got out my car and the rain began to fall on me a little at a time. I put my phone in my purse and jogged down the street. By the time I saw a taxi the rain was pouring down.

When I arrived outside of Ross's apartment I held my bag over my head as I ran up the steps.

I walked into the entrance hall way where it was nice and dry. Once I got in front of his door I quickly looked at my reflection in a window and straightened myself as best as I could. 

I knocked on his door and there was no answer. I knocked again and the door opened after a while.

"Babe?" He said sleeping. "Why are you here?" He asked. He rubbed his eyes and peered at me.

"You told me to come here after work so we could talk," I said. He stood quietly after a moment and stepped aside so I could come in.

I came in and sat my purse in the counter and then sat in the couch. He shut the door and then brought out two cups of water.

I took a sip of my cup and for a moment we just sat there quietly.

"Why are you all wet?" He asked assessing my hair and shirt.

"It started raining outside,"I said.

"Did you walk here?" He asked surprised.

"No my car stopped working, so I walked to a taxi," I said. He sat his cup down and started to massage his temples.

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