4:lost in thought

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You scan the forest for a place to rest but before you find one you feel your chakra drain out. Your pillow falls and you go down with it 'fuck'

You maneuver yourself in mid-air so that you land on your feet. You land with a thud, worsening your headache. You limp over to a tree and sit.

* cough* *cough* you could start to feel yourself get sick. This wasn't an unfamiliar feeling you've always felt this even before you had even discovered that you were a jinjuriki you were always sick. You were never told why you only knew that you've always been this way. No one thought you could make it as a shinobi, they pitied you when you were sick and unable to train. You could feel their pity, you knew they were underestimating you, no one truly believed in you except for 4 people. Those were the people you loved. They helped you get stronger and made you have a good time. While the rest saw you as a pale, sickly little girl, they saw the firing ambition in your eyes.







I'm sorry

Please forgive me

So sorry you say between breaths. You fall slowly in and out of consciousness until you finally pass out.

Your in this strange but familiar place you saw a creature it had 2 heads you could feel enormous amounts of energy radiating off of them. It turns around and you're forced to match the voice with the face.



Ohhh, welcome back y/n! Genso said in a cheery tone

Ugh, what the hell am I doing here again?

You passed out, idiot.

Fuck, now what?

Just wait here until you wake up,

No, you dumbass, she needs to wake up. She's in the middle of nowhere, and there's not enough space here, fat ass

*sigh* I'd rather stay here, I don't feel anything in here.

I'm sorry y/n but it's just not safe for you to be here

Ugh, yeah I know

Ok then fuck off

I can't go by myself you need to kick me out


You felt a whirl of emotions and pain hit you as kanashimi brought you back to consciousness.

Ugh, everything hurts

Shut up, you barely even used us the pain shouldn't be too bad

Yeah it's not as bad as last time

It's ok y,n just find a safe place and go to sleep it's getting late, it's been 8 hours since you were with us.

What!? I've been out for that long

Yeah it took you a while to wake up this time

Ugh, the sun is already down, I guess I should find somewhere to go

Do none of you use your head?

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