11:Meeting new people

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Eh, did he say meet his friends? But I really don't want to

 "Do I have to?" You asked dully but he only smiled, "Of course you have to, why wouldn't you want to meet them?" He asked, "Because I prefer to keep to myself," you said. "Oh I know!" Naruto said, he appeared to have remembered something, "You remind me of Sasuke, the both of you are cold and anti-social," he said cheerfully and you sighed. "Anyway, Y/n let's get going," Naruto said while running off, completely ignoring your protests to stay.

'*sigh* I guess I don't have a choice' you thought

 You quickly ran after Naruto until he approached a group of people. He stopped and leaned on his knees for support and panted because of all the running. But you just stood there with the same blank face you always wear. 

  The people turned to look at you while Naruto was having his moment. You faced them and you caught Sasuke's eye, he was glaring at you. You glared right back at him the both of you shot menacing looks at each other while Naruto tried to control his breath. The tension rose and Naruto finally got up and noticed, "Huh?" He looked at the two of you, "No Sasuke you're supposed to welcome her not intimidate her!" Naruto shouted and you scoffed, "He's not intimidating me Naruto," you said and Sasuke looked away. "Sorry about him y/n, Sasuke is kind of an ass," he said and you had a faint smirk under your mask.

 "Anyway these are my friends," he said, "Well, most of them, I still have some people I want you to meet," he said and walked towards them. "Hi, guys!" He said, "This is y/n, she's rejoining the leaf and it's my job to show her around," he said cheerfully and they nodded you looked at the ground as he introduced you, someone stepped forward to introduce themselves. "Hi, I'm Kiba," he announced  "and this is Akamaru," he said and a dog barked, you smiled a bit and said a simple "Hello." 

 Next was the girl with blonde hair, "Hello y/n, I'm Ino" she said in a very sweet tone she then approached you for a hug but you dodged it and she said something in a low enough voice that you could only hear, "Oh and Sasuke is mine." You chose not to reply to her since love is nowhere near your mind, especially with him. 

 A very timid girl that appeared to be in the Hyuga clan introduces herself, "I-I-I'm H-h-Hinata," she said fiddling with her fingers you nodded and said "hi." 

 You turned to the rest, you didn't really expect them to introduce themselves since you already met them. Of course, you're not on a first-name basis but you did owe them some kind of explanation of your sudden appearance, especially if Naruto insists on you speaking with his friends.

 You saw Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha, the Abrumbe kid, and the pink-headed girl. You sigh, "Well, we meet again," you said. "Why are you here?" Sakura said in a harsh tone, "The Hokage allowed me to rejoin the Leaf," you stated. "Hey Sakura that's a little mean," Naruto said and Sakura stared at him, "Obviously im the only one who read a file on y/n, I'd be careful if I were you Naruto, who knows what she's plotting," she huffed and left. 

 "What was that about?" Naruto questioned, "I'm sorry about that y/n," Naruto said, "Well, the last few people that haven't introduced themselves yet are, Shikamaru," he said addressing that pineapple headed kid, "Shino," he said pointing at the kid with goggles, "and Sasuke." Sasuke gave you a hard cold glare but you decided to ignore it this time. 

''Well, anyway guys, i still have more people I want Y/n to meet so we'll be on our way," Naruto said and this time instead of running off without you he grabbed your arm and lead you with him.

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