16:An invitation

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Time skip to two years later

You woke up to the loud sound of someone banging on your front door, 'ugh I'm so tired, who's here at this ungodly hour, I  swear I will murder whoever—NARUTO!' You remembered that you told Naruto that'd you'd meet him early in the morning for training. You sighed and got angry at yourself for agreeing with him but in your defense it was late and you were just barely keeping your eyes open.

  You checked the time and saw that it was 8:00 AM, two hours after the time you said you'd meet him. The pounding grew louder, 'maybe I can just drown him out and get another hour of sleep' you tried to ignore the impatient boy at your door.

 "Oi Y/n! I know you're in there, so open up already," he growled.

'I guess it can't be helped,' "Hold on just a minute Naruto," you shouted.

"Fine," he groaned and the pounding stopped.

 You got up and began to get dressed for the day, rather slowly, making Naruto grow even more irritated. While you got ready you thought about what happened in the time that has passed. For starters, you rejoined the leaf, something you never thought would ever happen in a thousand years. Then you were stuck with a hyperactive boy because the Hokage didn't fully trust you, only to be freed from him when your father was near. But now that your dad is Hokage you barely see him, leaving you to spend more time with Naruto than anyone else. You begged your father to tell Naruto to buzz off but he didn't listen, he thought it was best for someone to be around you.

 You formed a weird kind of bond with Naruto, a kind of bond where you pushed him away but always came back after you did, a kind of bond where you tried your best to hide your laughter and enjoyment but he knew that you were happy, a kind of bond where he would break you out of your shell occasionally and smile when you'd let loose. It was an odd sort of friendship but it's the only one you've had in years.


"Hey, y/n!" A blonde boy said to the silvered hair female to his right. She hums slightly to let him know she's listening but doesn't lift her head from the book in her hands. "Kiba is having a party tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He said a bit hesitant because he knew you didn't enjoy social interaction and as he expected you said, "no."

 "Oh c'mon y/n, you have to talk to someone other than me, that's not healthy," he said. "Who said I only talk to you?" Naruto gave you a look, the kind of look that said are you sure about that, "and who might that be?" You thought about it and it was true you didn't talk to anyone besides Naruto, your dad, and Jiraiya. 

 'Fuck...I'm a loser. But I can't tell him that, quick, y/n come up with a name. Uhh...Shikamaru! No... I only speak to him when he trains,  he says I'm the "only one who matches his intelligence" that's stupid he shouldn't force someone to play chess with him. How about Choji hmmm that wouldn't work either the only time I hang out with him is when Naruto and I run into him at ichiraku's and I'm not even talking I'm just stuffing your mouth with food trying to win the eating competition between the three of us. Lee! No all he does is force me to train with him and awkwardly flirts with me. What about...Kiba, no he always acts weird around me plus that would only support naruto's case to go to the party with him.'

 You sigh and just said the name of the person who came to your mind in the first place. "Shikamaru," you said lying. Naruto only smiled "yeah yeah stop lying y/n," he said while playfully rolling his eyes. "Shut up," you growled this time looking up from your book, closing it and shoved him a bit.

"It's okay y/n you can always be with me. I'll become Hokage and you can be at my side," he said cheerfully, which caught you off guard 


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