23:A sacrifice for the village

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"Y/n? What's wrong?" Naruto looked concerned.

"I-I..." you struggled to get anything out. The pain was just too unbearable to speak properly.

"We need to get you to the hospital, NOW!" Your dad picked you up  and rushed to the hospital but was stopped by Jiraiya...or should I say Orochimaru.

"I wouldn't recommend that," he said. Your eyes widen, 'it was him!'

"And why not?" Your dad shot daggers at him.

"She'd tear the whole place down," Orochimaru responded.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" Naruto looked furious.

"Oh I didn't do much, I just had to completely break the seal, it was pretty flimsy to begin with. With a little help of some herbs and chemicals I was able to mix up a substance that would do just the job," he gave a sly smirk.

 Naruto's breathes staggered as he processed what the Sanin said. A large pit started to grow in his stomach.

"W-why?" Naruto had a shaky voice.

"Why? Well for her tailed beasts of course. Although it would've been nice to capture the 9 tails and the 11 tails at once,  now that I think of it that was too much of an ambitious goal. There will be way too much chaos with just one of the tailed beasts," he explained.

"Grr," He felt so infuriated and angry  that he didn't know how to react other than attack him. "How Dare You!" Naruto's eyes turned red and his chakra did as well.

"Wait! Naruto you can't turn to that state, not now it's not helpful for y/n," Kakashi warned. He was also worried for his daughter but tried his best to keep his composure.

"Just get her to the hospital, Sensei, I'll deal with the rest," Naruto growled. He was ready to tear the man apart.

"Argh!" You continued to feel an immense amount of pain all over your body. You thrashed in your fathered arms trying to fight the pain.

Kakashi watched as his daughter was in agony and felt so angry that he couldn't do anything about it. "Hang on, y/n, I'll get you a medical ninja," your father said reassuringly. 

 You began to pant as your fever worsened. Your eyes were dropping as you struggled to stay awake. Small suppressed grunts and yells came from your mouth as you couldn't take the pain.

You thought about the poison and how Kanashimi promised to filter the poison.

What the fuck is happening?! I thought you'd filter this.

I did but I was lying, I don't take orders from anyone.

I'm sorry y/n, I think this is were go on different roads


Listen, we had some fun times together, but we'd prefer a life that had more aggression and murder.

Even you, Genso?

...yeah, I'm sorry.

Huh...And to think that somehow we could coexist...now that I think About it that was stupid. But Genso, I want to know why you would do this, this is out of character for you.

Look, y/n, I just think that this  new life that your living doesn't  fit my standards. Plus I really hate being told what to do.

Huh. So your tired of being bossed around, aye? 


Well, we'll be out of here soon so don't think about it too much.

Don't hurt the village.

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