6:The Meeting

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Kakashi...? Sensei?

No, go, run it's the blonde kid again I can sense his chakra

"Shut up Naruto, use your head she wouldn't just stay in the same place," said a pink-headed girl

"There's no point in looking for her ourselves when the anbu's already on her trail" now it was the Uchiha

You hid in the trees and concealed your chakra, you saw them, Naruto, Sasuke, a girl and...

"The anbu need a little help from us," said the man in a mask with silver hair, the same color as yours "they won't be able to take her back to the leaf without it."

"If a whole Anbu squad can't take her down why could we?" The girl said

"Because I'm Naruto Uzumaki the future Hokage!" Naruto shouted, grinning.

"We're not engaging in battle, Naruto." Said Kakashi, Naruto frowned

"How else are we going to question her, the last time we met up she didn't even give me her name." Yelled Naruto, "She just came in all mysterious, kicked ass and left. She even got through Shikamaru's shadow possession jutsu without breaking a sweat! How are we supposed to take her back to the village without fighting her?" Naruto whined.

"Leave that to me," Said Kakashi

You watched them converse, they had no clue you were there, they couldn't know you were there.

I can't go back

Like hell you can't, C'mon let's go back to the happier times

What the hell happened to "sparing the village" Genso

Umm well it'll make Y/n happier if we go back with her father

No! We can't go back there we need to join the Akatsuki again, they have better plans for us

And what about y/n?

What about her, who cares about her, C'mon just the two of us Genso

No, we're going back to the leaf, and that's final

No, we are not going anywhere, since when do you make the rules Genso?

Since now Y/n I'm tired of being mister nice guy

Since when have you been nice? You've only wanted to do "good" things for y/n because it'll get her on your side. It's a selfish game your playing, Genso

Don't challenge me kanashimi you and I both know I'm stronger than you

*scoff* what? Since when?

The only reason you haven't gone to the Akatsuki by yourself is that you don't have enough chakra to fight me

Yeah? Well, the only reason you want to go to the leaf is that you're scared of people tougher than you

The Akatsuki aren't stronger than me

Yeah, but they're not pushovers like y/n they don't give a shit about you

Oh shut up, I'm sorry about this y/n but were going back to the leaf

What? No, we are not-

Something took over your body, it felt something like what that Nara put on you but way stronger. It felt as if your weight was lifted and you now free to sit back and do as you please without punishment. The feeling was nice, you felt your mind being cleared as if you were in a trance, you wanted to dissolve into the feeling and never look back but you knew better than that.

Genso stop!



Something else took over your body. It seemed as if the two entities were fighting for power. You had no control of the body that you called yours, it was no longer moved at your will, you were pushed aside to watch the fight. You struggled and fought, every once in awhile, you'd get a kick but it was nothing.

Argh! Stop that Genso

*huff* no I must go to them

Your feet were right at the edge of the tree, it seemed like he was going to jump. But Kanashimi stopped him and now you were leaning against another tree.

None of this was done silently because the ninjas seemed to notice

"Huh? What was that? Who's there?" Questioned Naruto

"Show yourself," said a deeper voice, it was your dad, Kakashi

Look what you've done Genso

This is for your own good y/n

You feet neared the edge

Wait no-

But it was too late, he had jumped. Fear rushed to your body, you could see the surprised faces on all of them. Time seemed to have slowed down, it felt like you were up in the sky for ages. Kanashimi made some kind of attempt to go back up but it had been too late the ninja squad had already seen you. You landed on your feet and stood in silence unable to move.

"That's her sensei!" Naruto exclaimed

They all took out their Kunai, every one of them except for Kakashi.

Kanashimi took control and you reached for you ninja pouch but was stopped by a flying kunai that you dodged. Genso took the lead again and walked forwards, but it didn't last for long because kanashimi took charge. Control for your body was won and lost, over and over again all while you stood in front of the 4 man squad. Until finally you gathered enough chakra to move again.

At first, you couldn't find it in yourself to move, you were face to face with your dad again. You wanted to listen to Genso and go back but you knew better than that.

"Y/n," He said, you knew he was holding back tears, you were too. Even under his mask and that stoic face, you could see all the pain that he was trying to conceal.

"I-I'm s-so sorry," You said as you pulled up your own mask and ran.

"Hey, stop running!" said Naruto he ran after you along with the rest of the group.

What are you doing, this is your chance to reunite with him

Shut up Genso, this is not how I wanted things to turn out.

Tears threaten to spill as you ran, you could hear footsteps behind you. Genso was trying to take over again but kanashimi wouldn't let him. It took a lot of strength from you to keep them from taking control. Right now nothing could distract you from getting away not even the distant yelling from Naruto and your dad. You had to get away, you just had to, there is no other choice, not a single one.

You didn't want to hurt them, you never wanted to hurt anyone but life doesn't always go your way. You could've been running for hours or maybe just a few seconds it doesn't matter how long, time just didn't exist at that very moment. All you know is that you ended up at the end of a cliff and they were coming closer. When push comes to shove, you took drastic measures to escape.

You ran off a cliff and left made an explosion causing you to fly ridiculously far, and it prevented them to chase after you. But when your boost wore off you were forced to use your pillow. And now, to them at least, you were a speck in the air. You have escaped, you just escaped...you're alone...again.

The Shinobi Behind The Mask(Naruto x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ