18:Party games

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"Okay, now that we're done eating, let's play some games!" Ino rushed to the living room,  everyone followed. "I know what we should play first," Ino said excitedly. The group sat in a circle Kiba sat to your right and Naruto to your left. 

Third POV 

 "We should play spin the bottle," Ino said while smirking. 

'Of course, anything to get to your precious Sasuke'  

"Since it's your birthday Kiba, you should go first." 

"Okay." Kiba spun the bottle and waited eagerly for it to stop finally, it landed on Hinata. 

"K-K-Kiba," Hinata fiddled with her fingers as her face flushed. Kiba gave Hinata a quick peck and she seemed like she was going to faint from the action.

 "I'll go next!" Tenten spun the bottle and it landed on Neji, they kissed and up went the next person. Ino landed on Shino they kissed Ino tried her best to hide her blush but you noticed it. Next was Naruto, he spun the bottle with the hope that landed on one person specifically, Sakura. (Lol, jk, no he doesn't want Sakura) That person was the one he started to get weird feelings when she was around. Something different, something he's never felt before, it was strange but Naruto couldn't get it out of his system.

 The bottle spun and as it was losing its momentum it was slowly landing on y/n. But with the help of a simple jutsu, she knew it suddenly moved to Kiba. Luckily nobody seemed to notice that she tampered with it.

 "WHAT! I am not kissing Kiba," Naruto whined. 

"And I'm not kissing him either!!"

 "Okay, okay, you guys don't have to kiss each other, just spin the bottle again Naruto," Tenten let out. He spun the bottle again and it landed on ...(is it going to be you...the suspense)

Sakura. (Nope not you, sorry) 

 Sakura groaned and Naruto was slightly disappointed. He got closer to her and their lips met each other. Y/n shifted uneasily in her spot, the sight of the two of them kissing made her feel... 'weird' that was the only way she could describe it, she didn't know any other words for it.

 Kiba noticed the girl move uncomfortably and placed his hand on her thigh, just above her knee. She looked at him relatively alarmed. "It's okay, it's just me, don't worry too much about Naruto he's just a big idiot. I can be better than him," Kiba said in a mischievous voice. 

"Oooh, Kiba is making a move! Be careful Naruto, you might lose your girl," Ino said excitedly.

 Naruto turned to Kiba and y/n, for some reason he didn't like Kiba touching her. But he didn't say anything about it because it sounded unreasonable, 'it isn't like they were dating or anything'

"She's not my girl," Naruto remarked and sat back down.

Your POV 

You swatted Kiba's hand away from your leg and glared at him but he only smirked. You felt uneasy with the boy's antics and put a bit more space between you and him, Scooting closer to Naruto which made him smile.

Time skip

"For the next game, I want to make things more interesting." Ino pulled out a bottle of Sake from her bag. 

You sweat dropped 'there's no way I'm drinking that'

 She poured everyone a shot, "We'll drink this and I'll announce the next game," she exclaimed. 

"Are you sure about this, Ino?" Naruto looked a bit unsure.

"Of course I am, unless you're too much of a wimp to drink it, Naruto."

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